Content Access Policy & Technology (CAPT)
The charge of CAPT has not changed significantly from its original conception, but it is more encompassing in that it now includes digital production, preservation, and repositories explicitly within its purview. In addition, the composition of its membership and standing work groups has changed significantly. The standing work groups are as follows:
- Digital Production
- Repositories, Preservation, and Access
- Search, Discovery, and Delivery
- Web
- Cataloging and Metadata
- Electronic Resources
- Library Emerging and Integrated Technologies Coordination
CAPT is charged with developing a forward-looking and overarching vision for effective and innovative user access to Library collections and resources. Its activities are concentrated in these distinct areas:
- Articulating Library-wide content access priorities,
- Defining integrated technology-based services and programs that facilitate access to Library collections and resources of all formats,
- Promoting the use of standard software tools, metadata schema, object formats, data exchange protocols, and preservation strategies to ensure that Illinois’ information resources are sustainable over the long term,
- Prioritizing, evaluating, and vetting requests for technology design and development projects that facilitate content access and management and which affect multiple units or which require significant support from central units such as IT or CAM, and
- Appointing, coordinating, and overseeing work groups for specific content access related projects.
Membership Details
Membership in CAPT is by dint of professional responsibilities within the Library. Membership is not representative nor elected. Membership in CAPT will consist of the following twelve people:
- The two AULs due to their role in resource allocation decisions for the Library and to ensure a broad perspective outside of just Technical Services and Information Technology.
- Tom Teper, AUL for Collections and Technical Services (co-chair)
- Chris Prom, AUL for Digital Strategies
- The Director of Library IT because of the critical role of IT in supporting access systems across the Library.
- Tracy Tolliver, Director of Library IT
- The User Experience Coordinator because supporting end-user needs and usability is a key factor in determining the success of all Library access systems.
- John Laskowski
- The chairs from the seven standing work groups because they represent the operational arm of the CAPT committee. This group may vary as new work group chairs are selected over time.
- Seth Robbins, Manager Scholarly Commons Repository (chair, Repositories, Preservation and Access)
- Bill Mischo, Information Systems Research & Development Librarian (chair, Search, Discovery, and Delivery)
- MJ Han, Head of Content Access Management (chair, Cataloging and Metadata)
- Wendy Shelburne, Electronic Resources Librarian (chair, Electronic Resources)
- Eric Kurt, Media Commons Coordinator (chair, Library Emerging and Integrated Technologies Coordination)
- John Laskowski, User Experience Coordinator (chair, Web)
- Angela Waarala, Digital Collections Project Manager (chair, Digital Production)
Additional Committee Information
Content Access Policy & Technology (CAPT) is reported to by:
Looking for older meeting documents? Check the Committee meetings archive on Box.