CAPT Digital Production

Affinity GroupsRepositories, Preservation, and AccessCataloging and Metadata

Replaces: None

Responsible Library Units: Preservation Services -> Digital Preservation/Digital Collections


The work group is responsible for sustainable policies, procedures, technical systems, and staffing to digitize, format, and describe digital library content for use by the UIUC community and partners.

This includes streamlining digitization workflows and developing and conforming to consortial and community standards and best practices.


  • This group manages in-house and outsourced digitization efforts and coordinates external digitization partnerships involving UIUC Library collections, such as with Google, OCA, and HathiTrust.
  • The group should coordinate with appropriate subject experts on issues related to intellectual property rights and metadata.
  • The selection of content to be digitized must also be coordinated with appropriate subject specialists. [Note: Kyle, at EC’s recommendation, has proposed a special committee be formed to oversee content selection for digitization. Not sure of the status.]

Membership Details

Initially chaired by the Preservation Librarian or the Digital Collections Librarian. Initial rotation after two years. The chair of this work group may be reappointed beyond two years due to their position as a unit head of the Digital Preservation or Digital Collections unit. [8 members]

CAPT Digital Production Reports to:

Content Access Policy & Technology (CAPT)