Main/Undergraduate Library Integration Project Draft Plans Posted

The University Library has posted drafts of working group reports detailing plans for integrating core student services offered in the Undergraduate Library into other campus libraries over the coming year. The drafts provide initial recommendations informed by discussions and analysis of long-term usage data and recent student surveys that have taken place over the past several months. The Main/Undergraduate Library Integration Project will result in new and refined combinations of student-focused services, which address both time-honored and emerging needs for supporting academic and student life success.

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to an open forum to discuss the project’s progress and make recommendations to team members. The forum will be hosted Thursday, April 8th, from 10:30am-Noon. To register for the event, please visit:

Final recommendations will be presented to the University Library’s Executive Committee in May 2021. Implementation of the team’s recommendations will begin in Summer 2021, with the Undergraduate Library formally closing in Spring 2022 to allow for the construction of the archives and special collections building. Library personnel will continue to assess services and make adjustments as the archives and special collections building project is completed. The Library welcomes feedback from students, faculty, and staff on priorities for undergraduate library services, and significant areas the team should focus on in designing spaces that encourage community building among undergraduate students while connecting them to academic and student life needs.

To provide feedback, please fill out our survey here: 

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