Services for All Disciplines
Government Information Services
About: Government Information Services provides access to the largest and most comprehensive United States Federal Depository Library
in east-central Illinois, including Local, State, National, Canadian, and United Nations documents, both print and electronic.
Resources & services: Document collections, research consultations, virtual exhibits,
Research Data Service
About: The Research Data Service (RDS) is a campus-wide program that provides the Illinois research community with the expertise, tools, and infrastructure necessary to manage and steward research data.
Resources & services: Illinois Data Bank, data management workshops and consultations, Data Nudge newsletter
Scholarly Commons
About: The Scholarly Commons is a technology enriched space for faculty, researchers, and graduate students to pursue research and receive expert copyright, data, digital humanities, digitization, scholarly communications, and usability. Services are supported by experts in the Scholarly Commons, subject specialists at the University Library, and partners throughout campus.
Resources & services: consultations, loanable technology, specialized software, scanning equipment.
University Archives
About: The University of Illinois Archives provides access to primary sources relating to the University and its faculty, staff, and students.
Resources & services: Archives holdings database, Digital Reproductions, instructional support, and UIHistories
Related Subject Libraries
Biology Virtual Library
- Subjects covered: basic life sciences, integrative biology, molecular & cellular biology
- Specialized resources: research guides, librarian research consultation
Business Information Services Virtual Library
- Subjects covered: accounting, business administration, economics, finance, and labor/employment relations
- Specialized resources: How to Find Company Information Guide, Mergent Intellect, and Youtube Buisiness Research Tutorials
Chemistry Library
- Subjects covered: chemistry
- Specialized resources: ACS symposium Series, Reaxys (Beilstein/Gmelin), and School of Chemical Sciences Dissertations and Theses
City Planning & Landscape Architecture Virtual Library
- Subjects covered: landscape architecture, urban and regional planning
- Specialized resources: CPLA Special Collections and librarian research consultation
Grainger Engineering Library Information Center
- Subjects covered: astronomy, engineering, geology, and physics
- Specialized resources: CARE tutoring, engineering workstations, microfiche reader, Standards collection, and writers workshop
Prairie Research Institute Librarian
- Subjects covered: Illinois natural resources, natural history, and related topics.
- Specialized resources: research guides, librarian research consultation
Ricker Library of Architecture and Art
- Subjects covered: architecture, art and design
- Specialized resources: Artnet (auction results database), ARTstor (image database), Catalogue Raisone, Ciognara Library microfiche, MAD CAD (building codes online), and Material ConneXion (materials database)
Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (SSHEL)
- Subjects covered: American Indian studies, anthropology, Asian American studies, community/public health, economics, education, gender & women’s studies, kinesiology, labor & employment relations, LGBT studies, library & information science, political science, psychology, recreation, sport & tourism, social work, speech & hearing science
- Specialized resources: Medicine, Biomedicine and Health Virtual Library, College and University Rankings, Curriculum Collection, Mandeville Collection, Test Collection, research consultations
Veterinary Medicine Library
- Subjects covered: animal science, veterinary science
- Specialized resources: Pet Care Resources, Plants Toxic to Animals Guide, and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital
Library Directory
List of all libraries, physical and virtual, with contact information.