Ellington Lives! CU International Jazz Day Concert on Sunday

Three generations of musicians from Urbana-Champaign will perform works by jazz master Duke Ellington for our annual C-U International Jazz Day that will be held on Sunday, April 14 (2:00-3:30) at the Spurlock Museum of World Cultures.

“Ellington Lives! Singin’ and Swingin’ Three Generations On” will feature various ensembles led by Barrington Coleman.   Performing under his leadership will be Larry Gray, professor of jazz performance, U of I jazz students Xiantian Yu, Alex Manfredo, Dexter O’Neal, Eli Naragon, Max Osawa, and Nick Young, and Henry Gengler, a talented member of the award-winning Champaign Central High School Jazz Band.

They will offer up several Ellington standards, among them “Reflections on D,” “In a Sentimental Mood,” “Mood Indigo” and “Take the A Train.”

The free event also will feature a short informational session on Ellington provided by Sam Reese and informal reflections on Ellington’s influences on each of the afternoon’s performers.

Sunday’s program is free and open to the general public.  For further information about this program email schwrtzs@illinois.edu or call 217-333-4577.

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