Illinois Summer Youth Music Camp Visits This Week

We had a great week working with the ISYM middle school students who visited the Center on Thursday and Friday.  They were introduced to a wonderful variety of 19th and early 20th century cornets, trumpets, slide trumpets, Antoniophones, natural and valve French horns, ballad horns, and trombones.  Lots of interesting sounds of every type.  Also had a great time working with the middle school band on their rehearsal of Karl King’s Our Heritage march and providing them an introduction to King’s Barnum and Bailey screamer march and the Walking Frog.  Special thanks to Kevin Kierspe, Joseph Goldstein, and Kyle Hunt for bringing their trumpet, trombone, and French horn studios to the Center, and Mike Vecchio for allowing the Center to work with his wonderful middle band.  We look forward to making more fun music with next week’s ISYM students.