Now on Display in the Math Library: Tondeur Lecture Series Speaker Spotlight!
This month we have some of the works of André Neves and Philippe Tondeur on display. Neves will be delivering his lecture “Recent progress on existence of minimal surfaces,” the 9th through the 11th of April.
Abstract: A long standing problem in geometry, conjectured by Yau in 1982, is that any 3-manifold admits an infinite number of distinct minimal surfaces. The analogous problem for geodesics on surfaces led to the discovery of deep interactions between dynamics, topology, and analysis. The last couple of years brought dramatic developments to Yau’s conjecture, which has now been settled due to the work of Marques-Neves and Song. In the first talk I will survey the history of the problem and the several contributions made. In the second talk I will talk about the Weyl law for the volume spectrum (Marques-Neves-Liokumovich) and how it can be used to prove denseness and equidistribution of minimal surfaces in the generic case (Irie-Marques-Neves and Marques-Neves-Song). In the third talk I will survey the recent breakthroughs due to Song, Zhou, and Mantoulidis-Chodosh.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019: 4:00 pm, 314 Altgeld Hall
Wednesday, April 10, 2019: 4:00 pm, 245 Altgeld Hall
Thursday, April 11, 2019: 4:00 pm, 245 Altgeld Hall
Following this lecture, a reception will be held in 239 Altgeld Hall.
Items on display:
“Classification of Prime 3-Manifolds with Yamabe Invariant Greater than RP3” / Hubert L. Bray and André Neves
“Existence and uniqueness of constant mean curvature foliation of asymptotically hyperbolic 3-manifolds II” / André Neves and Gang Tian
“Finite time singularities for Lagrangian mean curvature flow” / André Neves
“Min-max theory and the energy of links” / Ian Agol, Fernando C Marques and André Neves
Categorías y Functores / Philippe Tondeur
Foliations on Riemannian Manifolds / Philippe Tondeur
Geometry of Foliations / Philippe Tondeur
Geometry of Rimannian Foliations / Philippe Tondeur
Introduction to lie groups and transformation groups / Philippe Tondeur