Public Printing Troubleshooting

Is a public printer not cooperating?  Browse our frequently asked questions for answers to common PaperCut and printing issues. For additional documentation about the PaperCut service, please consult our public printing service commitment page.  To monitor unit printers’ status, visit the print status page.

The Help Desk can be contacted by phone (217-244-4688) or send us a ticket.

Please note: Non-Library labs in Library buildings

There are non-library computer labs in some Library buildings. Library IT does not support these locations. If issues arise with these computers/printers, please refer students to the department that supports these labs.

Frequently Asked Questions

The printer has a paper jam.

Try to remove the paper stuck in the printer.  The printer will give you instructions on which doors to open to troubleshoot.  Try to gently remove any papers or paper fragments in the printer; removing a paper too quickly may cause it to rip and leave a small piece stuck inside.  If you are unable to clear the jam after following the printer’s instructions, please contact IT.

To prevent paper jams, please only use at most 3/4 of a ream of paper, and do not fill the paper tray to the top. Adding in too much paper can make it too heavy for the paper tray to lift, and it causes paper jams.

Nothing is printing out, even though multiple patrons have sent and released jobs to the printer.

Call the Help Desk (244-4688) and ask us to check the print server for that printer.  Occasionally files in the print queue are not recognized by the printer and are listed as errors in the queue.  These errors clog the queue and prevent any other jobs from being printed.  The Help Desk can log into the print server and check if an error exists, and then remove it.  After the error is removed, printing should resume.

The printer is printing very slowly– for example, one page every few minutes.

Turn the printer off and on, and see if printing resumes at a normal pace.  Patrons should not have to resend their jobs to the printer.

Printing PDFs

PDFs occasionally generate problematic files, but it works a little more reliably to save a PDF file to the desktop before printing, instead of printing from the browser.

Can students print from their laptop?

Yes!  Laptop printing instructions are available online too.

The PaperCut login screen is not loading on the print release station.

Check out these instructions to reload the PaperCut screen on the print release station.

The printer says that the toner cartridge is low.

Check if there is a spare toner cartridge stored in your unit.  If not, contact the Help Desk and we will send you a replacement.  We only have replacements for public printers.

Even though the printer says that the toner is low, there is still enough in the cartridge to keep printing for a few days, or even weeks.  Change the cartridge when the printer says to, or when printing quality is reduced.  You can also monitor the level of the toner cartridge on the print status page.  An empty toner cartridge can be sent back to HP for recycling (a return shipping label is in the toner box).

The printer says that it is out of paper.

Open the paper tray and refill the paper.  IT does not supply printing paper; it should be stored in the library unit somewhere.  Be sure not to fill the paper tray with too much paper, as this will will increase the chances for paper jams.  A good rule-of-thumb is to fill it about 3/4 full.

If you’ve refilled the paper tray, pushed it in, and the printer still isn’t registering the new paper, try turning the printer off and on again.  If this doesn’t work, send a ticket to the Help Desk.

A patron says their print job never printed, or did not print out well.

Patrons can ask for PaperCut refunds on print jobs with disputed quality or other issues.  We will refund jobs that are caused by faulty printing or system errors, but not patron error.  They can follow these instructions on requesting refunds.

A patron has a question about fees on their their PaperCut printing account.

Refer them to Technology Services.  They can send them what printing jobs we have for their account and handle any account disputes.

A student is not able to log into PaperCut.

Students are in the PaperCut system based on current class enrollment.  New students may have to wait 24 hours before the PaperCut system updates and adds them to the system, and PaperCut will only add them to the system until the semester in which they are enrolled starts.  For example, a new student who comes to campus in the summer but is enrolled for fall classes will have to wait until the fall semester before they can log into PaperCut.  They can still print using the pay-for-cash at Grainger option.

If they are not a new student, call the Help Desk and we can double-check their PaperCut account.

Where is color printing available?

A list of color and 11×17″ printers in the libraries are available on the public Printing page.

Our FAQ didn’t answer your question?  Contact the Help Desk.