Secondary References

Secondary references cited in the documents

The secondary references cited the most frequently are those relating to the published works of Proust. The following is a list of the editions used in the documents:

  • À la Recherche du temps perdu , éd. Clarac et Ferré, Paris: NRF, Pléiade, 1954.

    N.B. The volume is given in Roman numerals and the page in Arabic numerals. We have kept Kolb’s references to this edition because the new Pléiade edition (1987-1989, directed by J.-Y. Tadié), gives a list of corresponding pages in the two editions.

  • Jean Santeuil, précédé de Les Plaisirs et les Jours , éd. P. Clarac et Y. Sandre, Paris: NRF, Pléiade, 1971.
  • Contre Sainte-Beuve, précédé de Pastiches et Mélanges et suivi de Essais et Articles , éd. P. Clarac et Y. Sandre, Paris: NRF, Pléiade, 1971.
  • Textes retrouvés , éd. P. Kolb, Cahiers Marcel Proust, nouvelle série, n. 3, Paris: Gallimard, 1971.
  • Écrits de jeunesse 1887-1895 , éd. A. Borrel, Illiers-Combray: Institut Marcel Proust international, 1991.
  • Correspondance , éd. par Philip Kolb, Paris: Plon, 1970-1993.

    N.B. References abbreviated: Cor, with the volume in Roman numerals and the page and number of the letter in Arabic numerals, e.g. Proust à Hauser, Cor XIX, p. 222, n. 98.

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