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Guide to Tajik Monographic Resources


Katalog knig Tadzhikskoǐ SSR (1926-1956)

Tal’man, R. O., Poddymnikova, T. I., Iakubov, G. Ia., Iakovleva, Ė. N., Akhmedova, M., Dzhamalov, K.  Dushanbe: Tadzhikgosizdat, 1960.

Catalog of Tajiki books. Published in 1960, this retrospective catalog spans thirty years, 294 pages, and includes Tojikī, Russian, and Uzbek titles published during the stated period.  There are 7342 titles in this catalog and the compilers have included alphabetical indexes for names, titles, and collections.  This retrospective catalog is being held at the Russian National Library.  Researchers can view the record at:http://www.nlr.ru/e-case3/sc2.php/web_gak/lc/39997/64.
Kitobḣoi Tojikistoni Sovetī: feḣrast (solḣoi 1957-1961, 1962-1966, 1967-1975). 

Kniga Sovetskogo Tadzhikistana katalog (1957-1961, 1962-1966, 1967-1975).

1957-1961 OCLC: 12942716
1962-1966 OCLC: 34719392
1967-1975 OCLC: 12668636

Dushanbe: Palatai davlatii kitobḣo, 1957-.

This catalog is a result of the decree of the Supreme Soviet of the CPSU, which called for “improving the library service in the Soviet Union”.  This initiative was later echoed by decrees of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tojikiston, and the Tojik Ministry of Culture, which with Decree No. 6 of January 14th 1960, obligated the Book Chamber to compile catalogs of books published in the republic in 5 year increments. This catalog is the second publication in the series of retrospective bibliography of Tadzhikistan’s books.  The first retrospective effort to create the retrospective bibliography was the joint publication by the Book Chamber and the Firdousi State Republican Library (Gosudarstvennaia respublikanskaia biblioteka im. Firdousi), titled Katalog Tadzhikskoi knigi za 30 let (1925-1956).  That publication was incomplete and a second, corrected and expanded edition was necessary.
The 1957-1961 catalog includes all of the monographic publications of the republic: books, brochures, textbooks, programs, collections of articles (sborniki). The catalog includes 1956 publications that were received by the Book Chamber in 1957, and textbooks published in 1961, dated as 1962 editions.
The catalog does not list serial scholarly publications (trudy, izvestiia, uchenye zapiski) which do not have individual titles. Also not included are publications with very low print runs, ephemera, dissertation abstracts, as well as publications of limited distribution, marked by na pravakh rukopisi (treat as a manuscript) and those meant for internal official use (dlia sluzhebnogo polzovaniia). The books are listed in the language of the original – Tojiki, Uzbek, and Russian.  The non-Russian entries have a brief translation into Russian.  In the cases of multiple entries by a single author, the last name and initials are listed only within the first entry.  In the case of consecutive editions of programs and textbooks, the first edition only has a detailed description, while the editions that follow in place of author and title have annotations in the three languages, respectively: tozhe, boz khamin, iana shu.

The only corporate authors that have their separate entries are the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (KPSS), the Komsomol Youth Organization (VLKSM), and trade union organizations.
The material is organized using a schema of the Soviet bibliographic style.  Within class chapter, the material is split into three separate parts by language: Tojik, Uzbek, and Russian. Within the parts the arrangement is alphabetical, reprints and consecutive editions are listed chronologically.  The educational programs and textbooks intended for the Communist Party education network are listed by subject. Educational programs for other types of schools are listed by type of school, and within that division alphabetically by title and in chronological order.
The geographic names in places of publication are given in the new format.  Books published before changing the name Dushanbe to Stalinabad [and back to Dushanbe] have the previous name given in parenthesis.  Chapter titles are given in both Tadzhik and Russian.  The catalog has two alphabetical indexes, one for books in Russian, another for Tojiki and Uzbek books.

Kitobḣoi Jumḣurii Tojikiston: feḣrasti bibliografī (1991-2010)(va zabonḣoi Tojikī, Rusī, Ūzbakī).

Karimzoda, Mirzobadal., Ikromī, Sirojiddin. Dushanbe: “Khonai kitob,” 2011.  ISBN: 978-99947-714-3-1.
OCLC Accession Number: 761288720.  Descriptive Table of Published Monographs (1991-2010).

Published in 2011, this bibliography of books in the Republic of Tojikiston is an impressive compilation of Tojikī, Russian, and Uzbek titles published during 1991-2010 period, which makes it, in the absence of a functioning online catalog, one of the most important sources for materials published in Tojikiston for the stated period.  This bibliography is organized  into three sections with ~49 subject headings and an author index for each section [1991-1995, author index,pp. 249-276; 1996-2005, author index, pp. 453-478; 2006-2010, author index, pp. 647-676].  Regardless of language or subject matter, each section is numerically organized.  There are approximately 4949 titles listed in this bibliography: 1991-1995[1740 entries]; 1996-2005[1602 entries]; 2006-2010[1607 entries].  The subject headings are in Tojikī (top heading) and Russian.  Most of the entries contain bibliographic data on the number of copies printed, language, institutional and geographic identifiers.  The subject headings found in this bibliography are:

1.    Ilmḣoi jam’iiatshinosī (umuman)= obshchestvennye nauki v tselom
2.    Ilmḣoi falsafa (ijtimoiët / avonshinosī) = Filosofskie nauki (sotsiologiia / psikhologiia)
3.    Din= Religiia
4.    Ta’rikh. Ilmḣoi ta’rikh = Istoriia. Istoricheskie nauki
5.    Iqtisodiët. Ilmḣoi iqtisodī = Ėkonomika. Ėkonomicheskie nauki
6.    Omor. Demografiia = Statistika. Demografiia
7.    Siësat (vaz’iiati ḣozirai siësii davlatḣo) = Politika (sovremennye politicheskoe polozhenie gosudarstv)
8.    Partiiaḣoi kommunistī va korgarī = Kommnunisticheskie i rabochie partii
9.    Javonon. Tashkilotḣoi javonon = Molodëzh’. Organizatsii molodëzhi
10.   Davlat va ḣuquq. Ilmḣoi ḣuquqshinosī = Gosudarstvo i pravo. Iuridicheskie nauki
11.   Ilmi ḣarbī. Kori ḣarbī = Voennaia nauka. Voennoe delo
12.   Ilm. Ilmshinosī. Kibernetika. Semiotika. Informatika = Nauka.  Naukovedenie. Kibernetika. Semiotika. Informatika.
13.   Ilmḣoi tabiatshinosī (umuman) = estestvennye nauki v tselom
14.   Ilmḣoi fizikaiu matematika = Fiziko-matematicheskie nauki
15.   Ilmḣoi kimië = Khimicheskie nauki
16.   Ilmḣo dar borai zamin = Nauki o zemle
17.   Ilmḣiu biologī = Biologicheskie nauki
18.   Tekhnika. Ilmḣoi tekhnikī (umuman) = Tekhnika. Tekhnicheskie nauki v tselom
19.   Sanoat (umuman) = Prom’shlennost’ v tselom
20.   Ėnergetika
21.   Avtomatika. Tekhnikai  ḣisobbaror  = Avtomatika. Bychislitel’naia Tekhnika
22.   Sanoati kῡḣī = Gornaia prom’shlennost’
23.   Metallurgiia
24.   Moshinsozī. Asbobsozī = Mashinostroenie. Priborostrenie
25.   Sanoati sabuk = Legkaia promyshlennost’
26.   Transport
27.   Sokhtmon = Stroitel’stvo
28.   Khojagii manziliiu kommunalī. Khizmati maishī. Savdo = Zhilishchno – Kommunal’noe khoziaǐstvo. Bytovoe obsluzhivanie. Torgovlia.
29.   Kishovarzī. Ilmḣoi kishovarzī = Sel’skoe khoziaǐstvo. Sel’skokhoziaǐstvennye nauki
30.   Khojagii ob = Vodnoe khoziaǐstvo
31.   Sonoati khῡrokvorī. Sanoati mikrobiologī = Pishchevaia prom’shlennost’.  Mikrobiologicheskaia promyshlennost’.
32.   Nigakhdorii tandurustī. Ilmḣoi tibbī = Zdravookhranenie. Meditsinskie nauki
34.   Tarbiiai jismonī. Varzish = Fizicheskaia kul’tura. Sport
35.   Maorif. Ilmḣoi pedagogī = Obrazovanie. Pedagogicheskie nauki
36.   Madaniiat. Sokhtmoni madanī = Kul’tura. Kul’turnoe stroitel’stvo [Subsections: 44.5: Kori kitobkhona. Kitobkhonashinosī = Bibliotechnoe delo. Bibliotekovedenie; 44.6.1: Dasturḣoi bibliografī =   Bibliograficheskie posobiia
37.   Vositaḣoi akhbori omma va targhibot, radioshunavonī, television = Sredstva massovoǐ informatsii  i propagandy (pechat’, radioveshchanie, televidenie)
38.   Ilmḣoi filologī  = Filologicheskie nauki
39.   Adabiëti badeī. Folklor = Khudozhestvennaia literature. Fol’klor
40.   Adabiëti bachagona. Folklor = Detskaia literature. Fol’klor
41.   San’at. San’atshinosī = Iskusstvo. Iskusstvovedenie

Solnomai nashriëti akademiiai fanḣoi RSS Tojikiston (feḣrasti kitobḣo va maqolaḣo) = Ежегодник изданий академии наук Таджикской ССР (уаказатель книг и статей).  Akademiiai fanḣoi RSS Tojikiston. Kitobkhonai ilmii markazī.

Entry image_annual_akademiia_nauk_tadzhikskoi_ssrDushanbe: Nashriëti “Donish,” 1956-1988.  OCLC Accession Number: 10660314.

Founded in 1951, the Academy of Sciences of Tojikiston and the Central Scientific Library started its annual list of books, journal articles, dissertations, and articles in collected works, in 1955.  The entries are divided into the various branches of the academy and are organized numerically.  Researchers can browse through the entries with ease, thanks in part to the inclusion of indexes: a master index for publications (journals, collected works, and continuing works), and three separate author indexes for Tojikī, Russian, and Uzbek titles.  In some cases, the compilers have included an author index for Ukrainian titles.  In terms of capturing the intellectual output of Tojikiston and its academy of sciences, the annual list of publications offers scholars in North America a chance to examine thirty three years of academic content, including dissertations and articles from academy publications.
Katalog kandidatskikh i doktorskikh dissertatsiǐ, zashchishchennykh na materialakh Tadzhikskoǐ SSR 1934-1959 gg: bibliograficheskiǐ ukazatel’ literatury.  Akademiia nauk Tadzhikskoǐ SSR.  Tsentral’naia nauchnaia biblioteka.  Gosudarstvennaia respublikanskaia biblioteka im. Firdousi.

Shevchenko, Z. M., Nikolaeva, M. B.  Stalinabad: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR, 1960.

catalog of dissertations_Academy of Sciences_Tajikistan

The catalog lists the doctoral (doktorskie and kandidatskie) dissertations defended on Tojik-related subjects by scholars in the Soviet Union for the period 1934-1959.   The dissertations defended on materials related to Soviet Central Asia (Sredniaia Aziia) and Turkestan are included in the catalog if they are related to the period preceding the formation of the Tojik Soviet Socialist Republic.  The catalog does not have an exhaustive character.  It includes 746 titles of dissertations on natural and social sciences. The guide is divided by subject: the natural sciences are listed first, followed by social sciences.

As the basis for the work, the authors consulted the catalogs of the Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Tojik SSR (Tsentralnaia nauchnaia biblioteka AN Tadzhikskoi SSR), as well as the Firdousi Republican Library (Respublikanskaia biblioteka im. Firdousi).  The compilers also consulted the catalogs of the Lenin State Library of the Soviet Union (Gosudarstvennaia biblioteka SSSR im. V.I. Lenina), The Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party Foundation Library of the Social Sciences (Fundamentalnaia biblioteka Obshchestvennykh nauk pri TsK KPSS), The “All-Soviet Bookchamber fo the Soviet Union” (Vsesoiuznaia knizhnaia palata SSSR), as well as the libraries of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary education and other libraries of Moscow and Leningrad.

The work was also based on the published bibliographies, catalogs of dissertations deposited in the Lenin Library, the annual lists of dissertations published by the Book Chamber, bibliographies of dissertations defended in the Central Committee of the CPSU Academy of Social Sciences (Akdademiia Obshchestvennykh Nauk pri TsK KPSS), bibliographies of dissertations defended in the Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Lviv State University (L’vovskii Gosudarstvennyi universitet), the Lenin Central Asian State  University (Sredneaziatskii Gosudarstvennyi universitet im. V.I. Lenina), the Shevchenko Kiev State University (Kievskii Gosudarstvennyi universitet im. T.G. Shevchenko).  Also used were guide to dissertations defended in Uzbekistan in the years 1936-1951, and other minor sources. The catalog contains a name index.  Dissertations for which not all data were verified are marked with an asterisk.


Bibliografiiai nashrḣoi bazai Tojikistoni va filiali Tojikistonii Akademiiai Fanḣoi SSSR: kitobḣo va makolaḣo 1933-1951= Bibliografiia izdaniǐ Tadzhikskoǐ bazy i Tadzhikskogo filiala akademii nauk sssr: knigi i stat’I 1933-1951

Stalinabad:  Nashriëti akademiiai fanḣoi RSS Tojikiston, 1952.  OCLC Accession Number: 255951171.

Bibliography_Academy of Sciences of Tojikiston

Bibliography of the publications (database) of the the Tajik branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR includes monographs, articles, [periodicals] Soobshcheniia TFAN , Izvestiia TFAN, and other sborniki,  popular science brochures, etc. published from 1933—1961 inclusively.

The materials in this bibliography are arranged by subject and within each part the arrangement is alphabetical.  Name index is included.

This bibliography  is meant for scholars, specialists in all disciplines, librarians, and all those interested in the publications which have been entered into this work.