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General Sources For Central Asia

Bibliografiia bibliografii Sredneǐ Azii = Библиография библиографии Средней Азии

Bisnek A. F., Shafranovskiǐ, K. I.   Moskva: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1936.

U of I Library Call Number: FILM 016.91584 B54B.  History, Philosophy & Newspaper.  

OCLC Accession Number: 17754252.

Publication note: This bibliography of bibliographies was also published in: Bibliografiia vostoka, vypusk 8-9(1935), Institut Vostokovedeniia Akademii Nauk SSSR[Moskva: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1936]. Available ONLINE. Total number of entries: 284.


bibliography entry

Published in 1936, this bibliography of bibliographies contains approximately 284 entries for bibliographies and indexes for journals, newspapers, and collected works.   There are five sections to this bibliography and each section is organized chronologically.  The entries are numerically organized with full bibliographic data, annotations, and author name index.  The main sections are: Bibliografiia literatury o sredneǐ azii (~Bibliography of literature on Central Asia) [Period of Coverage: 1852 – 1935; Entries: 1-151; pp . 156-176]; Bibliografiia izdaniǐ, opublikovannykh  na territorii sredneǐ azii (~Bibliography of titles published in Central Asia) [Period of Coverage:  1897-1935; Entries: 152-192; pp . 176-183]; Ukazateli soderzhaniia periodicheskikh i seriǐnykh izdaniǐ (Indexes to periodical content and serial publications) [Period of Coverage: ~1846-1931; Entries: 193-210, pp . 183-186]; Literatura o bibliografii sredneǐ azii (Bibliography of literature on Central Asia) [Period of Coverage: 1923-1934; Entries: 211-221; pp . 186-187]; Bibliograficheskie materialy podgotovlennye k pechati kartoteki (Bibliographical materials prepared for printing catalogs) [Period of Coverage: 1870s-1930; Entries:  222-281; pp . 187-192].  There is also an addendum section, which includes additional bibliographies for Kazakh ethnology, Islamic studies, and ethnic groups in Turkestan.  The scale and scope of this bibliography of bibliographies makes it an invaluable tool for researching pre-revolution Central Asia and Turkestan [which included Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tojikiston.