All members of the campus community, including undergraduate students, are welcome to take advantage of the IAS Library’s study spaces. Library users are asked to adhere to the University Library’s patron conduct policies. If you have questions about library spaces, please email or speak with the staff at the desk just inside the library entrance.
IAS has three main spaces, the Reading Room (321), the Reference Room (319), and the Collaboration Room (309).
The Reading Room is designated for quiet study and research. The reference room contains a world class print reference collection of bibliographies, encyclopedia, and important reference tools for global and area studies research. The collaboration room is available for small groups to work together, and larger groups may reserve it for projects, meetings, or presentations.
Free wifi is accessible from anywhere within the library.

Tabled seating is available in the reading room at the front of the library (Room 321). These tables are intended for general study and research. Charging stations are not built in, although some of the tables are placed near wall outlets. Several armchairs are nearby.
The reading room is designated a quiet study area and has 4 computer workstations intended for library research. These computers are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you plan to watch videos or listen to audio on these workstations, please plan to bring your own headphones or earbuds.
Study carrels
4 study carrels (individual tables with privacy panels) are available on the west wall of the bookstacks area (Room 319). Charging stations are not built in, but the carrels are near wall outlets.
Reservable space
Room 309 is located at the end of the hallway. It is available for small group work and collaboration. It is a good place to work with friends and colleagues and have quiet conversations. The space is reservable for group use, but during time slots when the room is not reserved, it is open for general study and research. Room 309 contains 3 movable 4-person tables; 1 computer workstation; 1 large, movable monitor screen with laptop connectors; and 2 mobile whiteboards.