About the Project

In 2013, the ALA Archives coordinated work under a pilot project, launching an institutional repository for the American Library Association.  Responding initially to a need expressed by ALCTS members for a digital repository for its section, the ALA Archives has collaborated with ALCTS in developing a digital repository for the American Library Association as a whole, focusing on a means to preserve publications and other digital-born records.

The ALA Archives has worked with DuraSpace to create ALAIR for digital-born records and publications, using their DSpaceDirect service.  DSpaceDirect provides a cost effective technical platform, including technical support, site maintenance, and preservation services via DuraCloud. All content is mirrored in two separate Amazon services, S3 and Glacier.

ALAIR is organized into individual communities and sub-communities that reflect the structure of the committees, divisions, offices, and round tables as represented on the ALA’s main page and in ALA itself. Each community and sub-community page is customized with a description and logo, if applicable, of the individual ALA units.

By the end of January 2014, ALAIR was live and able to accept deposits.  ALA staff members can use the Shibboleth log in to deposit materials and ALA members can register for an account.

Pilot funding for the Digital Archives Project was coordinated by Charles Wilt.  The ALA Archives would like to thank Charles and the Divisions which supported the ALAIR project for their generous support: AASL, ALCTS, ALSC, ACRL, RUSA, LITA, PLA, and ALCTS Preservation and Reformatting Section.  A special word of thanks goes to the ALA Library and to Karen Muller.