
Reports can be run from EBSCOnet.

For questions or assistance with reports, contact Library Acquisitions.

Available Reports

Reports can be run on EBSCOnet.  They cover:

Abstract and Index  Lists currently ordered journals, indicating where the titles are indexed. Allows you to coordinate your serials holdings with indexing and abstracting services.

Bulletin of Serials Changes  Review activity information provided by the publisher for the titles in your collection. Includes information about title changes, delivery problems, publication frequency changes, discontinued titles, new titles, etc. Can assist you in determining whether to place a claim on your title.

Claim Checker – Review claims placed on an account with the information to verify which claims have been resolved or require further follow-up. Produced regularly on a monthly cycle. If you are set up to receive the Claim Checker, you can choose between the interactive Claim Checker and the paper/PDF Claim Checker.

Claims Processed  Review claims placed and processed during a selected time span (default is the past month).

Collection Assessment  Lists all ordered titles with classification code, subject term, index code, and other title details. Allows you to measure your collection for acquisition evaluation or general assessment.

Combination Membership – Review your combination titles, including membership titles, subscription packages, subscription services, consortia titles, combined titles, titles bundled for a special offer, and any group of titles that come with a main title.

Current Subscriptions – Lists all current subscriptions—titles with an expiration date on or after the date of the report.

E-Journal Access and Registration  Lists electronic titles ordered through EBSCO with publishers’ access policies, as well as account and title information. Includes licensing information, as well as registration details that can help you provide end-user access to the content you have purchased.

E-Journal Package Change  Lists changes to e-journal packages in your account; specifically, lists added or deleted component titles. Keep in mind that added titles may not be specifically ordered for the account—they may have simply been included on the report as a result of a change. Ordered titles will have an order number or subscriber code listed.

Historical Price Analysis (HPA)  Lists subscriptions with title prices, price changes, percentage comparisons, and the total amount of increase (up to 5 years, if available).

Library of Congress Classification – Determine the comprehensiveness of your collection compared to Library of Congress subject classifications.  This report is a useful guide for faculty inquiries about journals purchased to support various disciplines/subject areas. It is also valuable if your educational institution is undergoing evaluation for accreditation.

License Details  Lists electronic titles ordered through EBSCO, along with the standard licensing details provided by the publisher for each title

List of Membership Titles – Lists titles on order that require a membership to a society, association, or consortium to receive the publication and/or a discount. The report lists the titles ordered (Main Titles) and the titles that come with the ordered title and membership (Includes Title). This report does not include combination titles that are not membership titles.

Online Availability – Provides title listings for each of the available format options with online access (i.e., non-online, online combination, and online only) based on the titles currently on order. Estimated pricing is given for the other available formats.

Ownership/Access  Lists currently ordered online titles and non-online subscriptions that have an online component or version available. Enables the evaluation and review of electronic journal collections.

Publisher Packages  Lists all publisher packages and the titles included (separate listings for All Titles and those On Order).

Standing Order/Bill Later Summary – Lists standing order and bill-later titles on order, allowing you to identify which orders contain titles that have not been shipped (those that are irregularly shipped).

Subscriber List – Lists all subscribers for a specified account. Useful when communicating orders and claims to your EBSCO customer service representative or regional office.

Subscription Data File – Lists current subscriptions, along with corresponding bibliographic and subscription information sorted in title-number order.

Subscription Usage Details  Lists subscription usage and cost-per-use information for titles with an online component according to the settings you select in Account Preferences. Available for Usage Consolidation customers.

Summary of New Titles Ordered – Review newly ordered titles (those for which the first renewal has not been processed).

Summary of Invoices  Lists annual combined billing information with supplemental adjustments. This report allows you to evaluate current orders and payments for those orders.

Summary of Publications – A complete list of all titles currently on order. Allows you to evaluate your title collection and identify duplicate subscriptions.

Summary of Publications by Country/Language – The Summary of Publications report filtered by country and/or language.

Survey for Customer Titles – Lists all titles on order for the account. On the PDF, each title can be ranked on a scale of one to five, allowing faculty members/bibliographers to signify the importance of a title. Useful in collection development.

Titles with Claiming Restrictions – Lists currently ordered titles with corresponding publisher claiming restrictions.