On this page are selected annotated bibliographies for monographs from Former Yugoslavia that do not truly belong under the category of national bibliography. Thus, there are bibliographies of particular publishers or institutions, bibliographies of dissertations, or bibliographies that simply were not intended to be comprehensive in scope. The initial section includes some general and specialized monographic bibliographies for Yugoslavia and for the individual countries of Former Yugoslavia. The latter sections, divided by country, cover Matica and Academy publications. The last two sections contain bibliographies of various major publishers or their catalogs from any of the countries of Former Yugoslavia and bibliographies of dissertations.
Iugoslaviae scriptores latini recentioris aetatis. Pars I. Opera scriptorum latinorum natione croatarum usque ad annum MDCCCXLVIII typis edita.
Juric, Sime. Zagrabiae: Academia scientiarum et artium slavorum meridionalium, 1968-1971. 3 vols. in 5
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 016.87 Iu4 v.1, pt.1, v.1, pt.2
This bibliography has an unusual focus; it covers Latin language imprints printed or typeset in Yugoslavia or by Yugoslav authors/editors/translators up to 1848. Three volumes cover three areas: part one is for Croatia, part two is for Slovenia and part three is for Serbia (U of I lacks part two and part three). The bibliography listed immediately below on Slovenia is extracted from part two of this set. Entries give bibliographic data, locations for European libraries that hold the title and citations to bibliographies in which the works are cited. The volumes in part one list the entries by author or by title if there is no author with a systematic subject index in tom 2. Tom 2 also provides a name index with the names written in the modern spelling. The number in bold face indicates the page and the one following is the entry number on that page. The volumes on Croatia contain over 4000 entries. Although the introduction is only in Latin, this most likely will not be a problem for the reader interested in the unusual subject matter of the bibliography. The image below depicts an entry for a 1796 publication from Zagreb.
Sloveniae scriptores latini recentioris aetatis. Opera scriptorum latinorum sloveniae usque ad annum MDCCCXLVIII typis edita. Bibliographiae fundamenta.
Simoniti, Primoz. Zagreb-Ljubljana: Academia cientiarum et artium slovenica, 1972. 184 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks Q. 016.875 Si5s
Covering Latin language imprints published or typeset in Slovenia or by Slovene authors/editors/translators up to 1848, this bibliography presents the material by author’s name or by title if there is no author, but also provides good subject and chronological access with a systematic index. Entries give bibliographic data, locations for European libraries that hold the title and citations to bibliographies in which the works are cited. This volume was extracted from part two of the bibliography annotated above and contains over 1700 entries. A short list of addenda appears at the end. Although the introduction is only in Latin, this most likely will not be a problem for the reader interested in the unusual subject matter of the bibliography. See the citation below for a book published in Labaci which is the Latin name for Ljubljana.
Jadertina Croatica. Bibliografija knjiga casopisa i novina izdanih na hrvatskom ili srpskom jeziku i Zadru.
Mastrovic, Vjekoslav. Zagreb: JAZU, 1949. (Hrvatska bibliografija). 403 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 015.4369 M39j v.1-2
Most of the works cited in this book are written in Serbo-Croatian, but not all. The over 1800 entries are arranged chronologically and provide a full bibliographic citation plus a physical description and an abbreviation which indicates where the item is held. There are indexes for author/translator/editor and title. Some illustrations are grouped at the end of the book. See the image below for a law published in 1893.
Bibliografija Vojvodine. Serija 1. Monografske publikacije.
Novi Sad: Biblioteka Matice srpske, 1982-1986.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 015.4971 B471 1982, 1983
U of I holds only two years of this title, 1982 and 1983. It covers monographs published in a particular year in Vojvodina. The entries include complete bibliographic description as well as the contents of the book and a mention of any special features such as indexes and illustrations. The tirazh or print run is also given. The entries are grouped by language of publication such as Russian, Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian and Serbo-Croatian, etc. There are indexes for names, subjects, decimal classification, languages, publishers, printers, and collections by language. Additions to the previous volume have their own section too. See the entry on the left for a book by Spasenija-Cana Sladojev.
Fluminensia Croatica. Bibliografija knjiga, casopisa i novina izdanih na hrvatskom ili srpskom jeziku na Rijeci.
Blazekovic, Tatjana. Zagreb: JAZU, 1953. (Hrvatska bibliografija. Niz C. ; knj.4). 172 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference 015.4394 B61f
In addition to monographs from 1530-1952, this bibliography covers newspapers and journals from the Croatian city of Rijeka or Fiume, but only those in Serbo-Croatian. The first section presents the monographs in chronological order followed by a few additions, an alphabetical index of authors and titles, a subject index, and a geographical and person-as-subject index. The second part handles serials from 1858-1920 and then from 1921-1952 with an alphabetical index and a subject index. Serials are also arranged by date of publication. There are some illustrations of interesting title pages at the back of the book. Entries provide full bibliographic data and physical description with serial entries also show years and volume enumeration. At the bottom of the entry is a list of libraries in Former Yugoslavia that hold the item. The entry below is for a religious book from 1824.
Bibliografija prekmurskih tiskov od 1715 do 1919 = Bibliographie der Drucke im Dialekt von Prekmurje von 1715 bis 1919.
Skafar, Ivan. Ljubljana: SAZU, 1978. (Biblioteka ; 6) 102 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 015.4973 Sk11b
334 titles of monographs published in the Slovene Prekmurski dialect form the basis of this bibliography. Prekmurje is a region bordering on Austria, Hungary and Croatia. For many years it was isolated from the main body of Slovene speakers because it was part of Hungary. The citations in this bibliography are given in chronological order with indexes for name, title, publication place, and library that holds the items. There is also a supplementary list of Prekmurski manuscript materials. Entries detail the full bibliographic description, a union listing of holding locations or personal collections, and citations to bibliographies in which the item is cited or other sources that elucidate details of the work. The introduction is printed in both Slovene and German. The image below shows a citation for a religious book published in 1898.
Katalog naucne i strucne literature 1981-1984.
Beograd: Poslovna zajednica izdavaca i knjizara Jugoslavije, 1984. 839 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 015.497 K1561984
Covering the years 1981-1984, this selective, but very helpful, bibliography of over 8500 Yugoslav monographs is based upon the national bibliography and enhanced with information and titles from other sources of information such as contacts with publishers. The citations are grouped into two main sections: Domaca literatura, which represents vernacular Yugoslav publications, and Strana literatura, which gives citations for works translated into one of the Yugoslav languages. Within each of these two sections the items are arranged by subject. Besides bibliographic details the entries also provide prices for many of the titles and indicate which ones are printed in Cyrillic. There are indexes for names, titles and publishers. Below is a scanned image of the translated biographies mentioned in the bibliography.
Matica Hrvatska (Zagreb)
Matica Hrvatska is the main Croatian cultural organization. It was originally founded in 1842 under the name Matica Ilirska and changed its name to Matica Hrvatska in 1874. Below is a description of one bibliography that covers some of its publications.
Matica Hrvatska 1842-1962.
Ravlic, Jaksa ; Somborac, Marin. Zagreb: Matica Hrvatska, 1963. 434 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 063.94 Ma2m
Most of this book is a history of the Matica Hrvatska in Zagreb, but the last 150 pages or so comprise a bibliography of the publications of the cultural organization. The chronological arrangement of citations begins in 1842 with Matica Ilirska and continues with Matica Hrvatska in 1874. It covers books and periodicals, but the contents of periodicals is not provided until the later years of the bibliography. There are sections for the subcommittees of MH as well. There is a name/title index and a list of members in 1962. See the image below for the first few entries that appeared in 1909.
Matica Srpska (Novi Sad)
Matica Srpska is the leading Serbian cutural organization. It was founded in 1826 in Novi Sad. Below are several bibliographies that cover the publishing output of this organization. Some of the recent issues of their serial publications are available full-text online at their website.
Bibliografija Matice Srpske.
Nikolic, Jelena. Novi Sad: Matica Srpska, 1976-1979. 4 vols.
U of I Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 015.4971 N588b
This is a comprehensive, chronological list of the publications of the Serbian cultural organization Matica Srpska, both books and serials, from 1826-1975. The following shows which dates appear in which volumes: v. 1: 1826-1949, v. 2: 1950-1965, v. 3: 1966-1970, v. 4: 1971-1975. The first half of each volume covers books and the second half covers periodicals with analytics for their articles. The bibliography was issued to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the organization. Each volume contains an index of authors, titles, translators, and anthologies. See the image on the left for the entry which shows the contents of Zbornik Matice Srpske za knjizevnost i jezik for 1971, v.19:1.
Sadrzaj Letopisa Matice srpske 1825-1950. I. Deo. Sadrzaj po piscima.
Maletin, Marko. Novi Sad: Matica Srpska, 1968. 498 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 506 MAT; Index to v.1-366 in International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 506 MAT
Sadrzaj Letopisa Matice srpske 1951-1960.
Trecakov, Stojan. Novi Sad: Matica Srpska, 1977. 500 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 506 MAT; Index to v.367-386 in International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 506 MAT
Letopis Matice srpske has been published since 1825 with contributions by many famous Serbian scholars over the years. This volume and its continuation present a detailed listing of the contents of this notable journal from 1825-1960. The access in the first volume is strictly by authors’ names, but the second one has an author index and a subject index. The first section is devoted to Yugoslav authors, the second to Slovene authors, and the third to others of other nationalities. In the second volume all nationalities are mixed together. The supporting materials include a list of associates and a chronological overview. The entries contain the citations for the articles or reviews published by a particular author and nothing more except an indication in brackets as to whether the piece is an article, a review, a memorandum, etc. See the image below for the entry for Georgije Letic from the first volume.
Slovenska Matica (Ljublana)
To learn more about Slovenska Matica peruse the various articles of the jubilee volume entitled Slovenska Matica 1864-1964. Zbornik razprav in clankov. Ljubljana: Slovenska Matica, 1964. U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 063.67 SL5s.
Bibliografija Slovenske matice, 1864-1964: kronolski pregled in stvarno kazalo.
Munda, Joze. Ljubljana: Slovenska Matica, 1964. 168 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference Slavic 016.063735 SL5b
This 100 year jubilee volume presents the publications of Slovenska Matica from 1864-1964. The work is divided into two parts, the first a chronological presentation of books only and the second a listing by subject which includes articles too. There are indexes for authors and subjects. At the end of the first section there are indexes for editors, illustrators and publishers as well as a short statistical survey. See the image below for the two Matica books that appeared in 1958.
Bibliografija Slovenske matice, 1964-1983.
Munda, Joze. Ljubljana: Slovenska Matica, 1984. 145 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 015.493 SL5b
A continuation of the volume annotated above, this bibliography covers Slovenska Matica publications from 1964-1983. It is arranged in a similar manner. The work is divided into two parts, the first a chronological presentation and the second a listing by subject. In this volume the first section also lists the periodicals, but the contents of those periodicals is analyzed only in the second section. There are indexes at the end of the first section for series, editors, illustrators and publishers as well as a short statistical survey. At the back of the volume are indexes for subjects and authors. There is also a list of members of the Matica. See the image below for the first two entries in the second section under the heading of “Literature.”
Publikacije Slovenske Matice od leta 1864 do 1930.
Slebinger, Janko. V Ljubljani: Slovenska Matica, 1930. 96 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 015.4367 SL5p
Beginning with a chronological presentation, this bibliography gives citations for monographs and serials (including contents) published by Slovenska Matica from 1864 through 1930. Citations include the length of books and pagination of articles as well as print run numbers for some titles. There are indexes of authors and subjects. Noted Slovene bibliographer Janko Slebinger is responsible for this bibliographic compilation. See the entry below for the contents of the Letopis Matice slovenske for 1890.
Academy of Science Publications
Jugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (Zagreb)
The Jugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (JAZU) was founded in Zagreb in 1866. It changed its name to the Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti (HAZU) after the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the early 1990’s. To trace its publishing output see the items that are annotated below.
Popis izdanja Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu, 1867-1950.
Zagreb: JAZU, 1951.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) and Oak Street Facility 013 J96p
This bibliography presents the published works (books and articles) of the Jugoslav Academy of Science and Art in Zagreb from 1867-1950. The first section of the bibliography lists them in chronological order by series/serial. The second section lists them strictly by author. The analytics show the contents and pagination of journal issues. Use the table of contents and the key to abbreviations to facilitate the search. See the image below for the beginning of the contents of the Academy’s series Djela, knj. 1 and 2.
Popis izdanja Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu, 1945-1965.
Zagreb: JAZU, 1966.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 013 J96po
Covering the years 1945-1965, this bibliography presents the published works (books and articles) of the Jugoslav Academy of Science and Art in Zagreb. The entries are organized by type of publication, series, catalogs, dictionaries, etc.Within these section the entries are chronologically arranged and analyzed. The analytics show the contents and pagination of journal issues. There are indexes for authors, series, editors and translators, biographies of members, and obituaries of members. See the image below for the analyzed contents of the third volume of Anali za sumartstvo.
Katalog izdanja, 1945-1980.
Zagreb: JAZU, 1980.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 016.068497 J93k
This volume which covers 1945-1980 is an update to the two previous bibliographies listed above. It is arranged in a similar manner, by series or serial title, but it is not as well analyzed or indexed so for earlier works use the volume annotated above. There is an index for authors. See the image below for the contents of the first volume of Carsus Jugoslaviae.
Popis izdanja Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 1986.-2000.
Zrnic, Aco. Zagreb: HAZU, 2001. 655 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street 891.83 P8122001
Including both serials and monographs in series, this bibliography covers works published by the Academy of Sciences in Zagreb for the years 1986-2000. The alphabetical list of the titles that appears at the beginning of the book is helpful since the arrangement of titles is opaque. Although each title listing begins with full bibliographic data showing the beginning of the publication, the contents are provided only for the issues that appeared between 1986-2000. There are indexes for author, editor, translator, and subject. See the entry Radovi Arhiva Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti.
Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti (Beograd)
The Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti was founded in 1886, but some of the publications described in this section also cover the earlier Druzstvo Srbske Slovesnosti.
Pregled izdanja Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti.
U of I Library Call Number: Yugoslav Reference 016.0684971 P913 1847-1959, 1960/62, 1963/64, 1965/66-1973/74, 1977/78-1983/84, 1985/86-1987/88, 1989/90, 1991/92
This bibliography covers the contents of publications produced by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and its predecessor, Druzstvo Srbske Slovesnosti, from 1847-1992. The volumes are generally divided as follows: by academic division publications with the contents analyzed; then monographic publications, publications in collaboration with other institutes, then indexes by author. Some of the later volumes have additional indexes such as foreign authors or biographies/obituaries. See the entry below for the beginning of the contents of Posebna izdanja, Balkanoloski institut, knjiga 37, from the 1989/1990 volume.
Naucni skupovi Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti 1961-1971. Bibliografski popis.
Sinzar, Bojana. Beograd: Biblioteka Srpska Akademije Nauka i Umetnosti, 1971. 109 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks and Oak Street Facility 015.4971 S69n
Covering publications from 1961-1971, this short bibliography presents analytics of collected works by members of the Serbian Academy of Sciences on defined topics. It is not intended to be comprehensive for all publications. Most of the anthologies presented concern science and social science such as theoretical sociology or the application of nuclear energy in medicine. The first listing is the description of the main publication or anthology which is followed by the analytics to the articles it contains. There is an author index at the end. See the image below for the beginning of the description of one anthology.
Pregled izdanja Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti 1886-1986. Knjiga 1, 1886-1947.
Nikic, Ljubomir ; Zegarac. Beograd: SANU, 1986. 287 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 016.0684971 Sr78p v.1
Book 1 of this planned multi-volume bibliography covers SANU publications from 1886-1947. The coverage begins in 1886 because that is the year the Academy was founded. The previous bibliography annotated above starts with 1847, with publications of SANU’s predecessor, Druzstvo Srbske Slovesnosti. The first half of the volume is devoted to books in series while the second half lists authors and their books and articles. There are appendices for a number of special types of publications such as works produced with the support of the Academy. There is also a chronological overview and indexes for pseudonyms, unsigned works, and for names in a modern transcription. See the image below for works by Todor Radivojevic.
Slovenska Akademija Znanosti In Umetnosti (Ljubljana)
The Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti was founded in the year 1938.
Biblioteka in publikacije Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti v letih 1938-1951.
Ramovs, Primoz. Ljubljana: SAZU, 1952. 139 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 067 SL2r
This bibliography cites the publications of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts from 1938-1951. There are a number of different access points in the volume. For instance, it lists the contents of each volume of each series including pagination for articles. It also lists publications by author, by subject, and by year. One aspect of this bibliography may be confusing or it may be helpful: each opposing page has the same content in Slovene and French. See the image below for the beginning of the entry for Razprave.
Bibliografija publikacij Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti v letih 1972-1980.
Fabjancic, Marija. Ljubljana: SAZU, 1982. 101 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 011.54 F11b 1982
Bibliografija publikacij Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti in znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra SAZU v letih 1981-1990.
Capuder, Majda. Ljubljana: SAZU, 1998. 400 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 015.4973 C17b
This bibliography presents the publications of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts from 1972-1980. The first section lists the series published by SAZU, the second section lists the contents of most volumes of each series including pagination for articles, the third section is a chronological list of SAZU publications, and the final section is the author/title index. UIUC lacks the intermediate bibliography of SAZU titles by Marija Klemencic which bears the same title and covers 1952-1971. See the entry on the left for the works by Peter Gosar. The second title covers SAZU publications from 1981-1990 and is arranged slightly differently with more extensive indexing. Nevertheless, it is not hard to use.
Biografije in bibliografije znanstvenih in strokovnih sodelavcev Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (volume 1) + Biografije in bibliografije raziskovalcev znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra SAZU, 1976-1985 (volume 2).
Ljubljana: SAZU, 1976-1988. 2 vols.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 015.4973 B52 + 015.497307 SL58 v.2
These two volumes present bibliographies for the members of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts. The first volume covers up to 1975 and the second from 1976-1985. Although the Academy was founded in 1938, this bibliography also has earlier citations for those members who published before 1938. Entries begin with a brief biography of the member and follow with the publications arranged by type. For example, scholarly publications are listed first and then come citations for reviews, translations, bibliographies, radio/television broadcasts, editing, etc. The entries are arranged by institute with an author index to facilitate searching. Follow the link for the entry from volume 2 on the SAZU librarian Marija Fabjancic who compiled the bibliography listed directly above.
Bibliografije clanov Slovenske Akademije Znanosti in Umetnosti. III. razred, matematicne, fizikalne in tehniske vede + IV. razred, naravoslovne vede + VI. razred, medicinske vede.
Ljubljana: SAZU, 1995 (249 p.) + 1988 (182 p.) + 1988 (128 p.)
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street Facility 016.500 B471 + Main Stacks 015.4973 B472 + Oak Street Facility 016.61 B4721
These volumes are bibliographies of the works of members of SAZU. Each section of SAZU has or will have its own volume. The entries are arranged by member with brief biographical data for each member given first. The works for the members are presented by type of publication: scholarly publication, reviews, translations, bibliographies, radio/television broadcasts, editing, etc. There are no publication date limits on the bibliographies. The entries are very similar to the one mentioned above for Marija Fabjancic.
Bibliographies of Other Publishers
Some publishers’ catalogs are mentioned on the page devoted to National Bibliography for Former Yugoslavia because, in the absence of national bibliographic tools for certain time periods, the publishers’ catalogs played a more important role. They are Geca Kon’s Opsti katalog knjiga and Prosveta’s Opsti katalog knjiga.
Bibliografija cankarjeve zalozbe 1945-1974 in slovenskega knjiznega zavoda 1945-1956.
Munda, Joze. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva zalozba, 1975 367 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 015.4973 M92bi
Bibliografija cankarjeve zalozbe 1975-1979. + 1980-1984.
Munda, Joze. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva zalozba, 1980. 99 p. + Ljubljana: Cankarjeva zalozba, 1985. 118 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 015.4973 M92b + 015.497 M922b
Cankajeva zalozba is a major Slovene publisher producing works in all subject areas and these bibliographies represent collectively almost 40 years of its publishing output. All three bibliographies are arranged by subject with indexes for titles and names and a list at the back of books in series. Contents are provided for anthologies, but not for periodicals. Entries detail full bibliographic data, physical description and print run. The introductions discuss the history of the publisher and also provide some annual statistics. See the entry below for some of the titles issued in the series Sto romanov from 1975-1979.
Bibliografija izdaj Drzavne Zalozbe Slovenije. 1945-1965.
Munda, Joze. Ljubljana: DZS, 1965. 354 p.
OCLC: 42030328
Bibliografija izdaj Drzavne Zalozbe Slovenije. II. September 1965-junij 1970
Munda, Joze. Ljubljana: DZS, 1970. 126 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 015.4367 D849b v.1, v.2
Another important Slovenian publisher is the Drzavna Zalozba Slovenije, founded in 1945 to publish books, schools books, journals, and other items in an array of subject areas. This two volume bibliography covers its publishing output from 1945-1970. Citations are organized by subject and provide basic bibliographic data including length and print run numbers. A statistical overview shows how many items in total were printed for each of the years covered in the bibliography. A listing of all the titles in each of the series published by DZS is also provided as well as indexes for names and subjects. See the image below for the titles that were issued in the series Popularna medicina. The numbers in parentheses indicate the entry number for the work in the main body of the bibliography.
Bibliografija Zalozbe Obzorja Maribor 1951-1970.
Kos, Stanislav. Maribor: Zalozba Obzorja, 1970. 286 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 015.4367 K84b
Issued to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the publisher, this bibliography collates all the publications of the Zalozba Obzorja in Maribor from 1951-1970. Most of the works are monographs on a variety of topics, but there is a small section devoted to the periodicals published by Zalozba Obzorja. Entries are arranged by subject and include full bibliographic citation, print run, and contents for collections. There are indexes for series, titles, names and subjects. There is also an interesting statistical survey on publishing. The image on the right shows the entries that appear under the subject of philosophy.
Bibliografija na izdavackoto pretprijatie Prosvetno delo 1945-1970.
Skopje: Prosvetno delo, 1970. 282 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks 015.9497 Iz1b
Prosvetno delo is a Macedonian publisher that began by publishing mainly schoolbooks, grammars, and other educational and linguistic literature and gradually evolved to producing just textbooks. This bibliography marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the firm. Entries are arranged chronologically by type of publication and then by language of publication such as Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish. Some years have entries for periodicals as well. There is an author index and a statistical overview at the end of the bibliography. At the beginning of each yearly section there is a brief statement about a significant publishing event for that year. See the one on the left for 1952 which highlights Horace Lunt’s Macedonian grammar.
Unfortunately, dissertations are not covered in the national bibliographies of the former Yugoslav countries, thus specialized bibliographies are the main avenue for locating them. Below are listed some bibliographies held at U of I of dissertations that were produced on Yugoslav territory. More dissertation bibliographies are held by other libraries in the United States, some of which are mentioned in Slavic Studies. A guide to bibliographies, encyclopedias, and handbooks. Janez Logar in his Uvod v bibliografijo also lists some bibliographies of dissertations. Some of the online catalogs for the countries of Former Yugoslav include dissertations. For instance, the descriptions of the catalogs of the national libraries of Croatia and Macedonia indicate that they include dissertations.
Doktorske disertacije na Beogradskom univerzitetu 1905-1950.
Beograd: Naucna knjiga, 1951. 21 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 013 B41d
With no introduction and no indexes, this small bibliography is just a list of citations for dissertations from the University in Belgrade from 1905-1950. The citations are arranged first by department and then by author. See the image below for the first two titles listed under the Filozofski Fakultet.
Bibliografija doktorskih disertacija 1951-1963.
Dodic, Milica. Beograd: Beogradski univerzitet, 1964 109 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 013 B41b
From June 29, 1951 through December 20, 1963 the University in Belgrade awarded 927 doctoral degrees in 29 different fields. This bibliography provides citations for these dissertations. The citations are arranged by subject such as Economics, Geology, Agronomy, etc. Within each subject the citations are presented alphabetically by surname of the author. There are no indexes to aid further access to the material. See the image below for a dissertation on law.
Bibliografija doktorskih disertacija odbranjenih na fakultetima Univerziteta u Novom Sadu od 1985-1993. godine.
Novi Sad: Univerzitet, 1994. 308 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Main Stacks and Acquisitions Q. 011.75 B471 1985-93
This is actually the third volume of a bibliography of dissertations from Novi Sad, but the University of Illinois does not hold the first two which cover 1960-1979 and 1980-1984 respectively. Together all three volumes contain over 1500 dissertation citations. The citations are arranged chronologically by date of conferment and include the author’s name and birthdate, title in the vernacular language and translated into English, members of the doctoral committee, defense and conferment dates, and subject area. There are indexes for authors, committee members, subject areas, and departments. See the image below for a dissertation on NGO’s.
Pregled doktorskih disertacija odbranjenih u Srbiji u periodu od 1945-1975. god.
Beograd: Univerzitetska biblioteka “Svetozar Markovic”, 1977. 509 p.
U of I Library Call Number: Oak Street F. 011.7 B411
Covering the thirty year period of 1945-1975, this retrospective bibliography presents doctoral dissertations from educational institutions in Serbia. The first section lists the dissertations by degree-granting institution and then by year and then by subject. The degrees from the University of Belgrade comprise the bulk of this section. The second section is a keyword index that gives access to more specific subjects. The final section includes an author index, an index by Universal decimal classification, and some charts illustrating statistics about the number of doctoral degrees awarded and in what subject field. The entries show the bibliographic data and the faculty in which the student received the degree. Like all good Yugoslav books, this one too has an introduction in each language of Former Yugoslavia. Because this bibliography was compiled using an early computer program, there are no diacritics in the citations. See the image below for two dissertations from the University of Belgrade produced during 1956 in the area of literature and linguistics.
Bibliografija doktorskih disertacij univerze in drugih visokosolskih in znanstvenih ustanov v Ljubljani 1920-1968.
Kokole, Joze. Ljubljana: Univerzitetna tiskarna, 1969. 232 p.
U of I Library Call Number: International & Area Studies Yugoslav Reference (Slavic) 013 K82b
Covering the years 1920-1968, this bibliography presents citations for Slovene dissertations from four institutions, but mostly from the University in Ljubljana. It was published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the University in 1919. The citations are arranged by subject, but there are a number of indexes to provide access through other avenues. For instance, there are indexes for authors, for advisors, for institutions and departments, and a chronological overview. The entries provide a complete bibliographic citation for the dissertation as well as for any published works resulting from it. See the entry below for two titles in the discipline of botany.