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ISI Emerging Markets

19 th century bookbinding, Turkish National Library
19 th century bookbinding, Turkish National Library


ISI Emerging Markets is a subscription-based database that you could consult in regards to statistics, which contains an amazing breadth and depth of full-text business-related information, broadly defined, although chronological coverage is heavily skewed toward the very recent past. Items can be found dating back to the mid-1990s, but the vast majority of material dates from the past two years.

  • Current, full-text, vernacular-language coverage of 70+ countries, including Turkey.
  • “Unique content,” including full-text news articles, financial statements, company information, industry analyses, equity quotes, market-specific information, as well as proprietary research, analysis, and statistic.
  • Content aggregated from 2,150+ data providers, representing 13,000+ local & regional information sources.
  • ISI also has its own proprietary statistical packages for specific industries within Turkey, including energy, insurance, and textiles.
  • Languages available for sources related to Turkey are Turkish, English and French. Note that searching with Turkish, English, or French may give different results.
  • Searching can be limited to Government Institutions sources, but TURKSTAT (Turkish Statistical Institute) is not included.
  • Updated daily.
  • Very little retrospective information.
  • University of Illinois Library subscribes to ISI Emerging Markets.

Lists of all the full-text sources available for each country can be accessed by clicking on the “Sources” tab in the menu running across the top of that country’s page.

Although materials relating to larger geographical regions can be searched and reviewed, ISI is primarily organized on a country-by-country basis, with a wide range of search options and types of materials accessible within each country. Clicking on Turkey, for example, takes the user to the following search screen:

Screenshot of ISI EMIS Search Screen
Screenshot of ISI EMIS Search Screen

Among many other options here, users can select “Latest News/NewsWatch” from the “News” portion of the menu bar, which retrieves links to a huge amount of same-day information on a variety of topics. The following image contains the first part of the list for November 11th, 2009:

Screenshot of ISI EMIS Same-Day Information for November 11, 2009
Screenshot of ISI EMIS Same-Day Information for November 11, 2009

If you would like to see more about ISI Emerging Markets, click here.