July 16, 2007 Meeting of Administrative Council

Time and Location of Meeting

July 16, 20071:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Library

Agenda Details


  1. Y08 Budget Overview
  2. Diversity Discussion
  3. Discussion of New Service Models submitted by divisions
  4. Update on Registered Student Organization Space Reservation Process
  5. Review Unit Annual Report Guidelines (FY07)
  6. Elect New Agenda Committee
  7. Volunteer for Representative to Budget Group
  8. Discussion of CAMELS Report

Minutes Details


Scott Walter, chair, Tina Chrzastowski, Tony Hynes (LSSC), Bill Maher, Miranda Remnek (for Karen Wei), Sue Searing, Mary Stuart, David Ward, Lynn Wiley; Greg Youngen, Visitor: Rod Allen, Recording: Kim Matherly


  1. Y08 Budget OverviewRod Allen gave an overview. Paula Kaufman will get into more specifics at the August 1 All-staff Budget meeting.
  2. Diversity DiscussionPostponed – Draft Web site available at <http://www.library.uiuc.edu/ugl/diversity/>
  3. Discussion of New Service Models submitted by divisionsThe service models have been posted to the G drive for everyone to look at. Some Divisions have not met to discuss the other service models. Technical Services is looking at how they can work with other divisions.

    The Provost wants progress made in consolidating service points. How will we reduce service points? AC felt there should be a task force appointed to look at the ‘big picture’ and make recommendations very quickly and then someone needs to make final decisions so we can begin to move forward.

    There are two things we have to do:

    1. Service point consolidation
    2. Rearranging staff and faculty work hours to better meet user needs.
  4. Update on Registered Student Organization Space Reservation ProcessScott Walter sent out an email with the information. He will be working with Grainger and in the Main Library to find spaces for RSOs to use.
  5. Review Unit Annual Report Guidelines (FY07)It was determined that the Annual Report will stay basically the same as last year, with additional GA information requested. Next year the report will change to gather a broader range of data that can be directed toward Library and campus reporting requirements.
  6. Elect new Agenda CommitteeDavid Ward and Greg Youngen were elected to serve as the Agenda Committee for the coming academic year.
  7. Volunteer for Representative to Budget GroupMary Stuart volunteered to serve as the AC representative to the Budget Group for the coming academic year.
  8. Discussion of CAMELS ReportAC reviewed the report of CAMELS activity since 2004 provided by Sandy Wolf. UGL reserves processing takes up the bulk of the CAMELS time. Lynn Wiley volunteered staff from Acquisitions to help with e-reserves. Sandy Wolf is willing to continue to serve as coordinator for CAMELS.