German Blanket Order Profile

for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE: continue to send books: see note 3 at end of profile.

010: Bibliography
011: Bibliographies
012: Bibliographies and catalogs of individuals
013: Bibliographies and catalogs of works by specific classes of authors
014: Bibliographies and catalogs of anonymous and pseudonymous works
015: Bibliographies and catalogs or works from specific places
016: Bibliographies and catalogs of works on specific subjects or in specific disciplines
016.02 Bibliographies and catalogs of works on library and information sciences
017: General subject catalogs
018: Catalogs arranged by author, main entry, date, or register number
019: Dictionary catalogs
020: Library and information sciences
021: Relationships of libraries, archives, information centers (including role as storage centers)
022: Administration of the physical plant (including reading rooms and other special rooms,
023: Personnel administration of libraries, archives, and information centers (types of positions,
professional positions, technician positions, administrative positions, titles and job
descriptions, in-service training, elements of personnel administration)
024: (unassigned)
025: Operations of libraries, archives, information centers
026: Libraries, archives, information centers devoted to specific subjects and disciplines
027: General libraries, archives, information centers
028: Reading and use of other information media
070.5: Publishing (book publishing, publishers, book clubs, comprehensive works on publishing
and printing)
090: Manuscripts, rare books, other rare printed materials
091: Manuscripts
092: Block books
093: Incunabula
094: Printed books
095: Books notable for bindings
096: Books notable for illustrations and materials
097: Books notable for ownership or origin
098: Prohibited works, forgeries, hoaxes
099: Books notable for format

PHILOSOPHY: continue to send books (except send nothing for paranormal phenomena and arts); see note 2 at end of profile.

100: Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology
101: Theory of philosophy
102: Miscellany of philosophy
103: Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of philosophy
104: (unassigned)
105: Serial publications of philosophy
106: Organizations and management of philosophy
107: Education, research, related topics of philosophy
108: History and description of philosophy with respect to kinds of persons
109: Historical and collected persons treatment of philosophy
110: Metaphysics
111: Ontology
112: (unassigned)
113: Cosmology (philosophy of nature)
114: Space
115: Time
116: Change
117: Structure
118: Force and energy
119: Number and quantity
120: Epistemology, causation, humankind
121: Epistemology, (theory of knowledge)
122: Causation
123: Determinism and indeterminism
124: Teleology
125: (unassigned)
126: The self
127: The unconscious and the subconscious
128: Humankind
129: Origin and destiny of individual souls
140: Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
141: Idealism and related systems and doctrines
142: Critical philosophy
143: Intuitionism and Bergsonism
144: Humanism and related systems and doctrines
145: Sensationalism
146: Naturalism and related systems and doctrines
147: Pantheism and related systems and doctrines
148: Liberalism, eclecticism, syncretism, traditionalism, dogmatism
149: Other philosophical systems and doctrines
160: Logic
161: Induction
162: Deduction
163: (unassigned)
164: (unassigned)
165: Fallacies and sources of error
166: Syllogism
167: Hypotheses
168: Argument and persuasion
169: Analogy
170: Ethics (moral philosophy)
171: Systems and doctrines
172: Political ethics
173: Ethics of family relationships
174: Economic, professional, occupational ethics
175: Ethics of recreation and leisure
176: Ethics of sex and reproduction
177: Ethics of social relations
178: Ethics of consumption
179: Other ethical norms
180: Ancient, medieval, Oriental philosophy
181: Oriental philosophy
182: Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
183: Sophistic, Socratic and related Greek philosophies
184: Platonic philosophy
185: Aristotelian philosophy
186: Skeptic and Neoplantonic philosophies
187: Epicurean philosophy
188: Stoic philosophy
189: Medieval Western philosophy
190: Modern Western philosophy
191: United States and Canada
192: British Isles
193: Germany and Austria
194: France
195: Italy
196: Spain and Portugal
197: Soviet Union
198: Scandinavia
199: Other geographical areas

PSYCHOLOGY: continue to send books

150: Psychology
151: (unassigned)
152: Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives
153: Conscious mental processes and intelligence
154: Subconscious and altered states and processes
155: Differential and developmental psychology
156: Comparative psychology
157: (abnormal and clinical psychologies — now 616.89)
158: Applied psychology
159: (discontinued)

RELIGION: (history of the Christian Church only) continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.

270: Historical, geographical, persons treatment of organized Christian church (Church history)
271: Religious congregations and orders in church history
272: Persecutions in general church history
273: Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history
274: Christian church in Europe
275: Christian church in Asia
276: Christian church in Africa
277: Christian church in North America
278: Christian church in South America
279: Christian church in other parts of the world

SOCIOLOGY: continue to send books

301: Sociology and anthropology
302: Social interaction
303: Social processes
304: Factors affecting social behavior
305: Social groups
306: Culture and institutions
307: Communities
308: Criminology (crime and its alleviation)

ECONOMICS: continue to send books

330: Economics

POLITICAL SCIENCE: continue to send books (except send nothing for legislation)

320: Political sciences (politics and government)
321: Systems of governments and states
322: Relation of the state to organized groups and their members
323: Civil and political rights
324: The political process
325: International migration and colonization
326: Slavery and emancipation
327: International relations

LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas (except send nothing for English as a second language)

400: Language
401: Philosophy and theory
402: Miscellany
403: Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
404: Special topics
405: Serial publications
406: Organizations and management
407: Education, research, related topics
408: Treatment of language with respect to kinds of persons
409: Geographical and persons treatment
410: Linguistics
411: Writing systems
412: Etymology
413: Dictionaries
414: Phonology
415: Structural systems (Grammar)
416: (unassigned)
417: Dialectology and historical (diachronic) linguistics
418: Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics). Applied linguistics
419: Structured verbal language other than spoken and written

GERMAN: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas (except send nothing for Dutch)

430: Germanic (Teutonic) languages, German
431: Writing systems and phonology of standard German
432: Etymology of standard German
433: Dictionaries of standard German
434: (unassigned)
435: Structural system (Grammar) of standard German
436: (unassigned)
437: Historical and geographical variations, modern non-geographical variations
438: Standard German usage (Prescriptive linguistics), Applied linguistics
439: Other Germanic (Teutonic) languages

FRENCH: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

440: Romance languages — French
441: Writing system and phonology of standard French
442: Etymology of standard French
443: Dictionaries of standard French
444: (unassigned)
445: Structural system (Grammar) of standard French
446: (unassigned)
447: Historical and geographical variations, modern non-geographical variations
448: Standard French usage (Prescriptive linguistics), Applied linguistics
449: Provencal and Catalan

ITALIAN: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

450: Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic languages
441: Writing system and phonology of standard Italian
442: Etymology of standard Italian
443: Dictionaries of standard Italian
444: (unassigned)
445: Structural system (Grammar) of standard Italian
446: (unassigned)
447: Historical and geographical variations, modern non-geographical variations
458: Standard Italian usage (Prescriptive linguistics), Applied linguistics
459: Romania and Rhaeto-Romanic

SPANISH: send slips for specified areas (see not 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas

460: Spanish and Portuguese languages
461: Writing systems and phonology of standard Spanish
462: Etymology of standard Spanish
463: Dictionaries of standard Spanish
464: (unassigned)
465: Structural system (Grammar) of standard Spanish
466: (unassigned)
467: Historical and geographical variations, modern non-geographical variations
468: Standard Spanish usage (Prescriptive linguistics), Applied linguistics

PORTUGUESE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas

469: Portuguese

GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see not 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas

800: Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric
801: Philosophy and theory
802: Miscellany
803: Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
804: (unassigned)
805: Serial publications
806: Organizations
807: Education, research, related topics
808: Rhetoric and collections of literary texts from more than one literature
809: History, description, critical appraisal of more than one literature

GERMAN LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

830: Literatures of Germanic (Teutonic) languages, German literature
831: German poetry
832: German drama
833: German fiction
834: German essays
835: German speeches
836: German letters
837: German satire and humor
838: German miscellaneous writings

SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

839: Other Germanic (Teutonic) literatures

FRENCH LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

840: Literatures of Romance languages, French literature
841: French poetry
842: French drama
843: French fiction
844: French essays
845: French speeches
846: French letters
847: French satire and humor
848: French miscellaneous writings
849: Provencal and Catalan

ITALIAN LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

850: Literatures of Italian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic languages
851: Italian poetry
852: Italian drama
853: Italian fiction
854: Italian essays
855: Italian speeches
856: Italian letters
857: Italian satire and humor
858: Italian miscellaneous writings
859: Romanian and Rhaeto-Romanic

SPANISH LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas (except send nothing for Spanish American)

860: Literatures of Spanish and Portuguese languages
861: Spanish poetry
862: Spanish drama
863: Spanish fiction
864: Spanish essays
865: Spanish speeches
866: Spanish letters
867: Spanish satire and humor
868: Spanish miscellaneous writings

PORTUGUESE LITERATURE: send slips for specified areas (see note 1 at end of profile); continue to send books for unspecified areas.

869: Portuguese

CINEMA: continue to send books

791.4 Motion pictures, radio, television

THEATER: send slips instead of books

792: Stage presentations

GENERAL HISTORY: including Theory, Philosophy, Methodology, Diplomatics; Numismatics: send slips instead of books for DDC 737 (Numismatics); continue to send books for DDC 900-901; see note 2 at end of profile.

900: Geography, history, and auxiliary disciplines
901: Philosophy and theory of history

HISTORY OF ANCIENT WORLD: continue to send books

930: History of ancient world to ca. 499
931: China to 420
932: Egypt to 640
933: Palestine to 70
934: India to 647
935: Mesopotamia and Iranian Plateau to 637
936: Europe north and west of Italian peninsula to ca. 499
937: Italian peninsula and adjacent territories to 476
938: Greece to 323
939: Other parts of ancient world to ca. 640

GENERAL HISTORY OF EUROPE: continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.

940: General history of Europe, Western Europe

GREAT BRITAIN: continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.

941: British Isles
942: England and Wales

CENTRAL EUROPE AND GERMANY: continue to send books; see note 2 at end of profile.

943: Central Europe, Germany

FRANCE: continue to send books for 17th, 18th, and 20th century French history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of French history; see note 2 at end of profile.

944: France and Monaco

ITALY: continue to send books for 15th, 16th, and 20th century Italian history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of Italian history; see note 2 at end of profile.

945: Italian Peninsula and adjacent islands, Italy

IBERIAN PENINSULA, SPAIN: continue to send books for any aspect of Latin American history; continue to send books for 16th and 20th century Spanish and Portuguese history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of Iberian Peninsula and Spanish history; see note 2 at end of profile.

946: Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands.  Spain.

EASTERN EUROPE, SOVIET UNION (including nations formerly part of the Soviet Union): continue to send books for 20th century Eastern European history; send slips instead of books for all other periods of Eastern European history; see note 2 at end of profile.

947: Eastern Europe. Russia.

OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE: continue to send books for 20th century history of Other Parts of Europe; send slips instead of books for all other periods of history for Other Parts of Europe; see note 2 at end of profile.

949: Other parts of Europe

HISTORY OF ASIA: send slips instead of books; see note 2 at end of profile.

950: General history of Asia. Orient. Far East.

HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA:  send slips instead of books; see note 2 at end of profile.

970: General history of North America

HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA:  continue to send books

980: General history of South America


  1. Slips should be sent in the following areas of literature and linguistics:
    1. Dialect belletristic literature (primary sources as well as secondary criticism). This exclusion should not, however, include major languages which could be falsely interpreted as being dialects (e.g., Catalan).
    2. Secondary criticism (literature or linguistics) of the works of one language but written in another language. For example, a book on the German author Robert Musil written in French, Italian, Spanish or English; or a work about the history of the Spanish language written in French, Italian, German or English.
    3. Works by authors which are self-published (i.e., not issued by a standard press).
    4. Belletristic literature by less established authors and issued by “upstart” presses. Particularly poetry and drama, although novels and short stories also.
    5. Exhibition catalogs.
    6. Museum Publications
    7. Authors whose primary contributions are outside of belletristic literature (i.e., marginal authors). For example, an author who is a sociologist, such as the author Herbert Marcuse.
    8. Popular fiction (novels, mysteries, romances, etc.).  But do not exclude novels by major, established authors.
  2. The first priority in selecting monographs for subject areas indicated by note 2 should be for publications of learned institutions.
  3. Do not send slips for works written in a language other than English or the language of the vendor. For example, we might be interested in a German/English – English/German dictionary of library science, but not a French/German – German/French dictionary of library science.


Titles over $100.00 U.S.
Serials, except number one
Full-size reproductions
Juvenile literature
Pamphlets (under fifty pages)
Telephone directories
City directories
Working Papers

University of Illinois Library Acquisitions: German Blanket Order Profile