


Legislation / Regulation

General Sources can be found on our Legislation / Regulation page.

EPA’s Laws and Regulations page includes links to past and current laws, regulations, legislation, and non-binding guidance documents for regions, states, and other regulated entities, relating to the environment.

FEDLAW — Environmental Legislation and Regulation:  This site lists environmental legislation, including many excerpts from the US Code and CFR.

Center for Effective Government provides a searchable interface to DOCKET , which compiles civil cases filed by the Department of Justice for the EPA.



FEDLAW — Environmental Legislation and Regulation:  In addition to its regulatory and legislative information, this page is also host to a comprehensive listing of Federal agencies related to environmental issues.

Environmental Protection Agency:  Browse environmental news, programs, and policy.

United States Geological Survey:  Search biological and geological publications and technical data here.  Includes a topical browsing and a search feature.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Explore weather, ocean, and climate resources including the Earth System Research Laboratory

Environmental Health & Toxicology from the Department of Health and Human Services and National Library of Medicine is the portal to TOXNET, the Household Products Database and information about other environmental health topics and resources.


ProQuest Statistical  Insight (UIUC Subscription)
Provides comprehensive access to statistical information from Congressional Information Service, Inc. Includes searchable abstracts and indexes to U.S., state, international and intergovernmental statistical sources compiled in American Statistics Index, Statistical Reference Index and Index to International Statistics (ASI, SRI & IIS).

Statistical Abstract of the United States:  “As the National Data Book it contains a collection of statistics on social and economic conditions in the United States. Selected international data are also included.”

National Technical Information Service: Environmental Stewardship A listing of this comprehensive site’s holdings of environmental resources.

USA.gov’s Environment, Energy, and Agriculture For a listing of environmentally-related agencies and resources, see USA.gov’s Citizen Gateway to Agriculture and the Environment.



Envirofacts A combination of several EPA databases, Envirofacts provides a single point of entry for select EPA information.

National Service Center for Environmental Publications Site for free EPA print and digital documents

EPA Superfund information and database and the Toxic Release Inventory Program (TRI), searchable by zip code.

Recreation.gov:  Searchable page regarding recreational opportunities on Federal land.

Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation (BISON) From the USGS, a tool to find species in the United States and its territories.

Landsat program: A program from USGS and NASA, see satellite images of earth since 1972.

Natural Resources Conservation Service: Land Use

Technical Resources-Natural Resources Conservation Service: Technical data sources for soil, climate, and plants.

RTK Net provides searchable databases for several bodies of environmental data, including the TRI, accidental spillage facts, and other industry-specific information.



FDsys — Publications of the Committee on Environment and Public Works:  Have access to hearings, prints, publications, and reports relating to committee activity.  Included is a link to the committee’s website and member information.

Going Green publications at USA.gov


Action Guides

EPA Citizen for Action:  Learn about the range of ways citizens can get involved in political change and environmental protection in their own community.  The home page includes many links to other informational resources and environmental action guides.

Congress Merge: Contact your Congressperson or learn more about her/him

Project Vote Smart:  Find out the voting record of Congress members.

Accommodating Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel: A Recommended Approach Learn how to enhance bicycle use and safety with the US Department of Transportation’s guide to accommodating cyclists into your city’s transportation scheme.



Legislation / Regulation

In addition to our Illinois Legislative Information section, environmental laws can be found here:

LexisNexis State Capital Universe:  Search for information on bills, regulations, policies, and statutes.  Also included in this site is a helpful list of links to state information.

Laws Administered by the Illinois Department of Agriculture The Department of Agriculture’s compiled list of environmental laws pertaining to their activities.

Illinois Pollution Control Board — governing rules and regulations of the Pollution Control Board



Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 

Illinois Department of Public Health Division of Environmental Health –includes A-Z topics, publications, fact sheets, statistics



Search general statistical databases from our statistics page.



Department of Agriculture

The Illinois Department of Agriculture’s Environmental Program.



Illinois Pollution Control Board — Newsletter 
Stay current on Illinois pollution issues.

Action Guides

Citizens’ Guide to the Illinois Pollution Control Board



Legislation / Regulation

Access UN and UNDP are two resources for locating UN and other international publications.   Access UN serves as the only comprehensive index of UN documents, publications, and periodical articles for 1945 to the 2012. It provides external links to many full-text documents.  Access UNDP indexes project reports of the United Nations Development Programme issued between 1972 and 1998. Reports for 1989 onward may be found in the Government Documents Library on microfiche.  Access these two resources here:  AccessUN UIUC

United Nations Treaty Collection 
Provides the full text of more than 40,000 multilateral and bilateral treaties, as well as information on the status of 520 major multilateral instruments in Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General. Texts of Recently Deposited Multilateral Treaties are also available.



The Union of International Associations has a site with comprehensive IGO (Inter-Governmental Organization) links to issues relating to the environment

The United Nations Environment Programme includes a listing of programs, treaties and conventions, relevant environmental links, and an annual report surveying the environmental status of each country in the world.

Center for International Forestry Research 
Created with the plight of forest loss in the tropics in mind, this organization puts out numerous publications relating to habitat loss and the social, environmental, and economic responses to that loss.

UN Development Programme 
Their mission statement: to fight poverty. Global poverty and environmental degradation are often entwined issues. Information on environmental and social issues is included.

International Union for Conservation of Nature:  An international, inter-governmental conservation and biodiversity advocate group.  Assorted publications and current news articles are included.

World Health Organization 
The WHO site includes substantial information resources on the topic of environmental health.



International Environmetrics Society 
Includes links to other environmental statistics sites and provides information on their own activities as well.

The UN organization for education, science, and culture, UNESCO Institute for Statistics is one of the best places to find detailed information and extensive links on land, air, and especially water issues statistics.
ProQuest Statistical Insight (UIUC Subscription)
Provides comprehensive access to statistical information from Congressional Information Service, Inc. Includes searchable abstracts and indexes to U.S., state, international and intergovernmental statistical sources compiled in American Statistics Index, Statistical Reference Index and Index to International Statistics (ASI, SRI & IIS).



The World Resources Institute provides Earth Trends: the Environmental Information Portal.  Includes searchable databases, tables, maps, and country profiles for ten broad environmental subjects.

Librarians’ Environmental Toolkit Click on the Statistics & Calculator

Includes Calculators and Software Tools, Statistics and Data Sets, and Data Visualizations



United Nations Environment Programme Publications

Global Environmental Outlook, a state of the environment report, published by the UNEP. The executive summary is available online, with the full report available in the nearest depository library or by individual order. The 2000 report is at ACES Library: 333.7 G516

CIA World Factbook .  The World Factbook gives a brief overview of the environmental condition of each county in the world, in addition to other core country statistics.



World Environment Library :  It contains 400 publications in the fields of Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Environmental Impact, Assessment, Energy, Health, Natural Resources, Policy, Sustainable Development, Waste Management and Water.

The Envirolink network provides educational, organizational, and various other topical links (non-governmental).

The World Resources Institute provides Earth Trends: the Environmental Information Portal .  Includes searchable databases, tables, maps, and country profiles for ten broad environmental subjects.

University of Illinois Center for a Sustainable Environment

The UIUC Environmental Council’s Environmental Horizons Conference provided the propellant for this site’s creation.