ACDC News – Issue 98-03

Creating Super Newsletters.

That’s the title of a new seven-module training curriculum designed to help Extension workers and others produce successful newsletters. This 242-page resource was published during 1997 by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension (U.S.), with Melanie Spencer as preparer. It is one of the most comprehensive and useful newsletter resources we have seen. The modules include:

Module 1:       Newsletter basics: what to do first
Module 2:       Creating newsletter copy
Module 3:       Laying out and designing a newsletter
Module 4:       Great graphics
Module 5:       Producing your newsletter
Module 6:       Marketing and distributing your newsletter
Module 7:       Evaluating your newsletter     

The printed resource is identified within our collection as Document #CO8818.

You can arrange to review or purchase the curriculum in ring binder or disk forms by contacting the Publications Office, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, at 207-581-3269. Preparer Melanie Spencer can be reached

Serving worldwide.

We are pleased that Internet users from 67 countries gathered information last year from this web site. During 1997, users from an average of 26 countries gathered information from the site each month. That is more than double the average number of countries from which searchers visited during the year earlier.

Wherever you live, please let us know if we can help you find information about communications related broadly to agriculture.

“Agricultural magazines are alive and well,”

Says a headline in the Winter 1998 issue of the ACTion Newsletter, published by the American Association of Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow.

In the article Gregg Hillyer, president of the American Agricultural Editors’ Association, notes: “When radio first hit the airwaves, many proclaimed that farmers would tune out magazines. Then television came along and similar predictions were heard. Today, the Internet and electronic news services are the latest mediums to try to render farm magazines a relic of the past.

“But farm magazines have never been stronger,” he argues. “Nor has a career in agricultural communication held so much promise.” Why? Rapid changes in agricultural technology. Restructuring of agribusiness. A global marketplace. Ever-growing world population.

“In the environment, farmers rely even more on farm magazines to help them through the maze of uncertainty and change.”

Let us know if you would like to see this article and do not have local access to it.

New administrative home.

The Agricultural Communications Documentation Center recently became part of the Information Technology and Communication Services (ITCS) Unit of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences here at the University of Illinois. This is a natural partnership and we look forward to working together to serve you.

Welcome – and thanks.

Welcome to Paul Hixson of ITCS as new administrator of the Documentation Center. He replaces Bob Hays, agricultural communications faculty member who retires this year. Paul will add much to progress here. Thanks to Bob for excellent service to the Center, from its beginning in the early 1980s.

Different gauges.

“Did you get much rain last year?” a tourist asked a local farmer.
“Not much,” replied the farmer, “but my neighbor had a lot more rain than I had.”
“How could he?” inquired the astounded visitor.
“He has more land than I have.”

Best regards and good searching.

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