Privacy Policies Working Group


The University of Illinois Library has traditionally supported the right to privacy of its users, and confidentiality related to library use, in concert with current law and the statements of the American Library Association, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, the Illinois Library Records Confidentiality Act and the University of Illinois’ statements on privacy including the Web Privacy Notice and the Campus Administrative Manual.  Many of the Library’s policies related to the maintenance of the right to privacy and confidentiality were articulated prior to the full development and application of many of the tools that we currently use to provide service, as well as the development of various social media outlets.


The Privacy Policies Working Group is charged with the review of policies that are currently in place in the Library regarding personal privacy in Library use and Library records.  The group should update, reconcile and consolidate these policies.  In addition, the group should identify gaps in policy and practice regarding the issue of privacy and engage in the development of new policies, guidelines and best practices for third party information and new technologies.  Finally, the Group should consider and make recommendations on the Library’s role in educating our users regarding privacy and security of their library records.


The work of this group should include, but not be limited to the following issues:

  • Patron privacy regarding the use of materials
  • Patron privacy regarding the use of electronic media
  • Appropriate use of resources
  • Retention of records to support library services, research, and related activities
  • Investigation of other areas for development of training related to privacy awareness
  • Recommendations regarding implementation and dissemination of privacy policies and best practices

The Working Group should examine existing policies which include, but are not limited to:

Circulation/Confidentiality –

Archives/Website Privacy Notice –

Policy on Appropriate Use of Computers and Network Systems at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign –

Vice-President for Academic Affairs/Web Privacy Notice –

State of Illinois/Library Records Confidentiality Act –

Permission to Film in Campus Libraries –

Campus Policy on Photography/Talent Release Information –

Scholarly Commons/Policies for Social Media –

Anonymizing Desk Tracker and Chat records

Timeline and process

The group is asked to provide a report regarding the restatement or reaffirmation of the various policies on privacy in the Library no later than June 15 for review by the Executive Committee of the University Library.  To facilitate its work and engage others, the group should create a shared space for access to existing and draft documents.

Suggested members:

Jim Dohle

Mary Laskowski

Lynne Rudasill

Mark Wardecker

Cherie Weible

Sandy Wolf

Sue Searing, AUL Liaison

Other expert resources:

Beth Sandore, AUL for Information Technology Planning and Policy

Lisa Hinchliffe, Coordinator for Information Literacy Services and Instruction

Beth Woodard, Staff Development and Training Librarian

Wendy Shelburne, Electronic Resources Librarian

and others as needed