Publish Calendar

OWA Access

To add the shared Calendar to Outlook Web App (OWA or Webmail):

In OWA Calendar view, click “Share” (on top of your individual calendar, next to the “Month View” button), and select “Add Calendar” (1st option in the pop-up menu).

The “Add Calendar” window pops up, type “” in the “Name” field under “Calendar from your organization”, click OK (may need to click it twice if it is the first time you access this shared calendar).

The calendar should open side by side with your individual calendar. You cannot drag or drop meetings in OWA (drag&drop only works in Outlook desktop version), but you can re-create your meetings in the shared calendar.

If you don’t want it to open all the time, you can close it, it’ll be available under “People’s Calendars” in the left pane, click to open it whenever you need it.

Outlook Access

To access the calendar, all IAS staff and students need to do is go to Open Calendar (under “home” tab) -> Open Shared Calendar, then type “” in the Name field. The calendar will open and be added to the “Shared Calendars” list on the left (so if you close it, you can always click and open it from there).