The Library recently received permission from campus legal to create and maintain a library-wide Flickr Pro account. All images uploaded to this account can be used by any library faculty, staff, or student employee for purposes related to library facilities, resources, services, events or publicity. The library Flickr Pro account grants us unlimited bandwidth, uploads, storage, collections, and more! With the creation of this account, campus asks a small procedure from us. Anyone wanting access to the global account should:
- Read (and plan adherence to) the Campus Administrative Manual: Section III-16, the Illinois Public Affairs Release Forms and the Library policy on Photographic, Video and Audio Recording in University Library Facilities.
- Print a copy of the acknowledgment form, sign it, and deliver it to the Library IT Help Desk (424 Main Library).
After Library IT receives the signed acknowledgment form, steps will be taken to grant the requester access to the Flickr Pro account.