September 24, 2012 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

September 24, 20121:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                  1:30- Jenny Johnson – Curator position description
2.                 2:00-Beth Woodard-update on searches
3.                 Approve minutes from September 10
4.                 Question Time 
5.                 AUL agenda for October 1

                          a.     Coordinator/Head Document 

6.                 Strategic Plan – David and Chris
7.                 Review of Bylaws in preparation for new UL
8.                PRC for Faculty member
9.                 Review of Innovation Fund proposals
10.            Colloquium Committee
11.              Title Changes

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Chris Prom, vice-chair; Sarah Shreeves, secretary; Mary Laskowski, Nancy O’Brien, Carissa Phillips, Lynne Rudasill, John Wagstaff, David Ward; Visitor – Jenny Johnson, Beth Woodard; Recording – Kim Matherly


1.                  1:30- Jenny Johnson – Curator position description

EC discussed the position with Jenny, as chair of the search committee. EC asked several questions that Jenny will take back to the search committee. The search committee will submit a position description based on their discussion.

 2.                 2:00-Beth Woodard-update on searches

Beth gave an update on the different searches and asked for committee members to be assigned to upcoming searches. EC proposed the members and Beth will ask individuals to serve. The searches included: Digitization Work Flow Specialist; Technology Enhanced Spaces; Media Commons Technology; Visiting Research Programmer for Repository Development; Collection Analysis Planning; Biosciences; History; and Chemistry.

 3.                 Approve minutes from September 10

Approved with changes.

 4.                 Question Time

What happens to faculty who are not part of a division? Since AULs are not part of a division, for purposes of P&T, EC will serve in the divisional advisory role.


There have been some problems with technology, but no one seems to be reporting the issues to IT. Should AC will talk about ways to improve communication with IT and IT’s communication back to the Library.


AC need to be more involved in putting things on the agenda. If an issue is brought up early enough Jim Dohle could be scheduled to come to AC. Mary Laskowski will bring this issue up at the next AC meeting.


Are ex-officio members allowed to vote on RPC? Yes.


A personnel issue was discussed.


The e-research task force has had one workshop and a forum focusing on data and data management and has had very low turn out. It was determined that fall may be a difficult time for Library faculty and staff to attend workshops. One suggestion was that the workshops could be videoed so they could be viewed at ones convenience. Another suggestion was for e-research task force to meet with divisions or introduce some of the practices at a faculty meeting.


5.                 AUL agenda for October

a.     Coordinator/Head Document

b.     Strategic initiative – focused on specific programs not general enough to say providing service to the public meets a strategic goal – not supposed to

6.                 Strategic Plan – David and Chris
Meeting tomorrow to finish the current stage. After discussing with the AULs it will be sent to EC and AC.
Review of Bylaws in preparation for new UL
The Bylaws committee will be asked to review the bylaws.
8.                PRC for a faculty member
Committee members were suggested and Paula will ask them to serve.

9.                 Review of Innovation Fund proposals
Deferred to another meeting.

10.            Colloquium Committee
Deferred to another meeting.

11.              Title Changes

Deferred to another meeting.