October 4, 2021 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

October 4, 20211:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom

Agenda Details




October 4, 2021


Zoom Meeting




  1. Approve minutes – September 27, 2021
  2. Question Time
  3. Discuss topics to discuss for next week EC AULs/Directors
  4. Library Spaces Assessment Team Proposal
  5. Discussion of Unit Head Review Timelines in General
  6. Research and Investigation Time Task Force Recommended Policies
  7. Next Steps on Research Support Task Force Outcomes




Minutes Details




October 4, 2021


Zoom Meeting


Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair), Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair), Bill Maher, Peg Burnette, Dan Tracy, Mary Laskowski, Joe Lenkart, Chris Wiley and Kelli Trei. Lucretia Williams recording.


Meeting Documents: Task Force on Research and Investigation Time Policy Report


  1. Minutes – The September 27, 2021 EC meeting minutes were approved with minor corrections upon the motion by Bill Maher and second by Mary Laskowski.


  1. Question Time – Dean Wilkin updated EC on the following –


  • The Academic Program Review process is moving forward and has begun with identifying names of potential reviewers. Staci Provezis requested to have a list of names in October. Responding to a question about the composition of the list, Dean Wilkin noted that reviewers tend to be Deans, and occasionally Associate Deans or other senior people in libraries with relevant experience. There is a long list to start the conversation, but the list will be iterated, and will be discussed in the future with EC. Responding to another question, he noted that the report does include information on how we support different constituencies and solicits feedback from those groups through surveys and other mechanisms. The campus office running the evaluation process will be involved in moving this forward.
  • AULs for User Services – Dean Wilkin thanked EC, LSSC, and LCAP for feedback given during the ongoing conversation about the future of the AUL for User Services role. The discussions have been very helpful. Dean Wilkin will continue to engage in conversations and keep planning for this moving forward.
  • Reporting relationships with the unit heads who don’t report to one of the AULs or Directors – In the last Faculty Meeting, there was concern that, in the transition to the directors away from the AULs for User Services, units that were left without a clear reporting line besides the Dean feel that they lack clarity in whom to go to with challenges. Dean Wilkin has been having conversations with the directors and they are working on a proposal for the affected unit heads to establish reporting relationships for the current administrative configuration that will be updated later.
  • A question was asked to clarify which of the two faculty meetings currently listed for the rest of this semester is the correct second semester meeting. It is the December meeting and Lucretia will cancel the one set for October.


  1. Discussion topics to discuss for the next week EC AULs/Directors – EC recommended discussion topics for the AULs/Directors at EC on Monday, October 11, 2021. Lucretia Williams will reach out to the AULs/Directors on the discussion topics.


  1. Library Spaces Assessment Team Proposal – EC discussed the proposal and raised a number of questions. Mara Thacker will contact David Ward and give a summary of the questions from EC. This will be further discussed with David Ward at the EC meeting on Monday, October 11, 2021.


  1. Discussion of Unit Head Review Timelines in General –
  • EC approved the final edits that were suggested to the 5-Year review process revision in the previous meeting and implemented by Dan Tracy and Peg Burnette. The final copy is posted as a meeting document with the September 27 meeting minutes.
  • EC also discussed issues related to ongoing assessment and feedback for unit heads. Currently we have a formal review every five years, with a second-year informal review with the Dean. The formal process would be difficult to implement on an annual basis given the amount of work and number of unit heads involved. There was agreement that it was important that significant issues be able to be brought forward at any time. EC will continue this discussion in the future but also it was suggested that Susan Breckenridge send a general informative email reminding people of different ways to provide feedback at any time.


  1. Research and Investigation Time Task Force Recommended Policies – EC approved the revised Research Policy and Investigation Time Policy from the Research and Investigation Time Policy Task Force Report with a motion by Dan Tracy and second by Kelli Trei, and one abstention.


  1. Next Steps on Research Support Task Force Outcomes – Dean Wilkin acknowledged the great work that Peg Burnette and the group did on this. One key recommendation highlighted in the faculty meeting discussion, which has been a key interest in other settings as well, is for a research support staff member of some kind. It was suggested that by hiring such a person we would be able to address a lot of the specific things that are spread throughout the report that the person could then act on. Dean Wilkin would like to discuss the position further with EC on an upcoming agenda, as any movement forward will require important discussions of how we fund the position under current budgetary conditions. Similarly, Victor Jones is working on proposals relevant to the diversity and recruitment recommendations in the report and will be bringing those to EC.




The meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.