November 25, 2019 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

November 25, 2019428 Library

Agenda Details




November 25, 2019


428 Library


  1. Approve minutes – November 11
  2. Question Time
  3. PRC Assignment 
  4. Hiring Plan
  5. Charge and Membership for Mentoring Plan Working Group
  6. Charge and Membership for Pre-Tenure/Residency Positions Working Group (John did confirm with Heidi that this will be discussed)


Minutes Details




November 25, 2019


428 Library


Present: Dean Wilkin, chair, David Ward, vice-chair, Bill Maher, Jennifer Teper, Lynne Thomas, Bill Mischo, and Paula Carns. Recording- Lucretia Williams





  1. Approve minutes – The minutes from November 11, 2019 were approved by Lynne Thomas and second by Paula Carns.


  1. Question Time/Dean Wilkin- AP representative to the Faculty Meeting Agenda Committee has been pushed back to ULSAC. This has been communicated to Joanne Kaczmarek, Faculty Secretary.


The budget guidelines draft is due January 16, 2020 to EC and the campus deadline for a final version is February 3, 2020.



  1. PRC Assignment – PRC members were suggested for two new faculty.


  1. Hiring Plan – Dean Wilkin discussed the recommended positions that were presented by the AUL’s and reviewed by EC. Dean Wilkin met with the AUL’s collectively and individually about the various positions. [Dean Wilkin also spoke with Heather Murphy about the Graphic Designer position.] Dean Wilkin is comfortable moving forward with these positions. There are campus administrative approvals that need to be worked out before moving forward with publicity with some these positions. AP positions will go through Paul Ellinger’s office and Faculty positions go through Bill Bernard’s office. The timeline for the positions that don’t require campus approval can move quickly as possible.


Dean Wilkin emphasized that there will need to be some exploratory work in the approval process and some exploratory work in the classification. EC agreed that as part of this process they would ask each of the hiring supervisors to involve people outside of their units for a broader perspective.




  1. Charge and Membership for Mentoring Plan Working Group is being defined as tenured faculty use two distinct but related methods – mentoring and evaluation – to help tenure-track faculty members succeed and achieve tenure. Strong mentoring helps faculty better understand and develop their capabilities for excellent librarianship, research, and service. Effective evaluation helps measure whether those capacities are being developed in ways that contribute to a strong tenure case and improve Library services and collections.


The Executive Committee will make recommendations on the language of the charge and will notify Chris Prom, who will lead the review group.


Charge and Membership for Pre-Tenure Track Positions Working Group – EC would like to have the proposed charge more clearly defined. EC suggested that the group should come up with criteria for entry into pre-tenure and assistant professor ranks, as well as discuss under what circumstances a transition might take place. EC would like more clarity that there is no guaranteed transition, and that it will be incumbent upon the individual in each case to establish how they have met the established criteria.  EC will make recommendations on the language of the charge and will notify Heidi Imker, who will lead the group, and her group’s membership of these suggested changes.