November 12, 2012 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

November 12, 201212:00 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                  1:30pm – Beth Woodard, search update

a.     Appropriateness of some questions 

2.                 2:30 – AULs

a.     What will the AULs do this year in regards to their review

3.                 Approve minutes from October 8
4.                 Question Time 
5.                 PRC for faculty member
6.                 NSM for Illinois History and Lincoln Collections
7.                 Positions for February 2013 Hiring Plan
8.                 Support Structure for Invited Speakers (how will this work now that Colloquium Committee has been disbanded)
9.                 Peer University List for P&T
10.               50 minute meetings



11/1/12 – approved search committee for Visiting IMLS Project Manager position

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Chris Prom, vice chair; Sarah Shreeves, secretary; Mary Laskowski, Nancy O’Brien, Lynne Rudasill, John Wagstaff, David Ward, Visitors-Beth Sandore, Sue Searing, Tom Teper, and Beth Woodard, Recording – Kim Matherly


1.                 1:30pm – Beth Woodard, search update

a.     Appropriateness of some questions

Beth updated the committee on where things are with individual searches.

The committee then discussed adding a page in the search committee manual related to the scope of the screening committee.

The committee feels that some questions should not be asked during the formal interview process, but were ok for lunches/dinners. Such questions can include what the candidate does for fun or on the weekends.  The committee suggested that Beth add this info to the search manual.

It was also suggested that we start a list of external faculty members who should not be asked to serve on search committees.
2.                 2:30 – AULs

a.     What will the AULs do this year in regards to their review

The three AULs will draft statements of what they would prefer in the way of a review process or what would be useful in addition to writing goals statement. They could also list individuals from whom they would want EC to seek feedback. EC suggested that they might consider a more consistent goal presentation.

Paula and the AULs will come up with a process for evaluation and bring it back to EC.

b.     Space planning for 146 and 220
Sue is working with Bill Maher on an NSM for the 146 Library space. Chris Prom will send an announcement to LibNews relaying the information for the 146 and 220 Library space proposals.

3.                 Approve minutes from October 8
Approved with changes by a motion from Lynne Rudasill, seconded by Mary Laskowski.
4.                 Question Time
The committee discussed the History Librarian position.

Zoe Revell has been added to the Social Committee as an ex officio member.

The public printing update from October 26 states that no one has been billed for PaperCut printing. How much income will the Library lose this year?  Paula commented that the revenue from this source is small and should not be the driving force in our system. Charges will go into effect January 2013.

SSHEL is close to being open on south side.

Humanities hub configurations are being discussed. How will HPNL be involved in humanities hub? There is a draft of a report discussing the humanities hub coming out in December.

All title changes have been submitted to HR, who is working with AHR to configure a process to make the changes easier to implement.

A question of representation for Arts and Humanities Division on FRC was addressed. Paula will contact Chris Quinn to suggest another representative.

Chris has not heard anything about the Library Dean’s search committee meeting. He did check with the Provost’s office and they are in the process of scheduling the first meeting. Chris will check with Dean Dutta, if he doesn’t hear something soon. 
5.                 PRC for Faculty member
A PRC was suggested and Paula will contact the individuals to serve.

6.           Proposal for new NSM
A potential new NSM was discussed.
7.                 Positions for February 2013 Hiring Plan
The committee began discussing the hiring plan.
8.                 Support Structure for Invited Speakers (how will this work now that Colloquium Committee has been disbanded)
This item was deferred to another meeting.
9.                 Peer University List for P&T
This item was deferred to another meeting.
10.            50 minute meetings

This item will be deferred to the next AC meeting. John and Nancy will draft a pro/con list to submit to AC.



11/1/12 – approved search committee for Visiting IMLS Project Manager position