May 23, 2016 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

May 23, 20161:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   1:30-2- Aaron McCollough – Scholarly Communication & Publishing Unit
2.   Approve minutes from May 9
3.   Question Time
4.   Bylaws and Specialized Faculty
5.   Marketing and Communications Strategy Working Group – any comments
7.   Residency Program – feedback
8.   Committee Assignments

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Kirstin Dougan, vice-chair; Mary Laskowski, secretary; Lori Mestre, Lynne Rudasill, Sarah Williams; Visitor –Aaron McCollough; Recording-Kim Matherly


1.   1:30-2- Aaron McCollough – Scholarly Communication & Publishing Unit
EC talked with Aaron about his projects and priorities. Much of Aaron’s current work revolves around fulfilling the Library’s obligations in relation to a Mellon Grant, which is a collaboration between GSLIS, African-American Studies, IPRH and the Library. Ideally much of the work completed (policies and software platforms) for the grant will be able to be repurposed to meet ongoing Library needs in the future. The grant project has two primary user groups; constituencies of scholars that are potential sources of content. There is the Humanities Without Walls grantees and Historically Black Colleges and Universities interested in digital publishing projects. IPRH has responsibility for directing the Humanities Without Walls; Global Midwest grantees support the Library. The African-American Studies Department is managing the flow of potential partners from the historically black colleges and universities. Aaron has designed some ingest documentation to help scope conversations with these potential partners. The Mellon grant states that if someone from either of these two groups comes to us with a project that makes sense in the basic context of the grant, then we will work with them.

Aaron had previously communicated with each division, asking for feedback and offering to meet to answer any questions. In addition to that feedback, EC suggested that Aaron work through Beth Namachchivaya in determining how the things he’s doing may benefit from broader discussion and opportunities for input. EC also suggested that Aaron attend a faculty meeting in the fall to give an update or lightning talk about what he is doing, and how it relates to other areas of scholarly publishing. By then two new hires will be in place and Aaron hopes to have completed publications to show.

2.   Approve minutes from May 9
Minutes were approved by a motion from Lori Mestre, seconded by Sarah Williams.

3.   Question Time
L-CAP – John met with the group to discuss some of the issues they have been meeting about. They would like a representative on AC. They had questions about APs on other committees. John told them that if a committee charge is posted and they feel an AP representative would be helpful, to let EC know. They would also like to have an annual meeting with John.

EC discussed the web process.

John thanked Mary and Nancy for getting the announcement out about the RBML position.

John had a Data Science Institute meeting, led primarily by Ed Siedel, with the Provost and the VCR. The Provost clearly saw the potential of the iDSI for campus. The Provost and VCR asked the group to work on a plan.

John went to CIC in Iowa City last week. Mary Laskowski was part of a group proposal for shared cataloging. The directors want to see this project elevated. The Library will submit a proposal for us to be the site for the shared repository.

4.   Bylaws and Specialized Faculty
As a result of union negotiations, colleges have been charged to amend bylaws to include specialized faculty. Visiting faculty are specialized faculty. These changes will also affect divisional bylaws. EC will charge the Bylaws Committee to address roles, rights, and responsibilities of specialized faculty in a reasonable time. The committee will also be asked to structure some discussions of the faculty. Lynne Rudasill and Mary Laskowski will work on a charge for the Bylaws Committee.

5.   ClimateQual Implementation Team Draft
This will be posted for comments.

6.   Residency Program – feedback
EC discussed this, but would like to continue the discussion. This will be added to the next agenda.

7.   Committee Assignments

This has been deferred until the next meeting.


5/11/2016 – EC agreed that appointing Paula Carns as acting head of Classics was the best plan of action, since Kirstin Dougan’s term is ending May 15, 2016.