March 7, 2022 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

March 7, 20221:00 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom

Agenda Details




March 7, 2022


Zoom Meeting


  1. Approve minutes – February 14, 2022
  2. Question Time
  3. Proposal
  4. Search Committee Appointment
  5. PRC Appointments
  6. Committee/Replacement
  7. LSSC and LCAP Chairs
    1. Inclusion in Governance Report
  8. Residency update
  9. Committee Appointment
  10. Assign Paper Preparers and Editors

Minutes Details




March 7, 2022

1:00-3:00 pm

Zoom Conference Call


Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair); Peg Burnette, Dan Tracy, Bill Maher, Chris Wiley, Joe Lenkart, and Lucretia Williams; Recording.


Excused Absence: Kelli Trei and Mary Laskowski.


Guest: Victor Jones (DEIA), Rachael Johns, Erik Chapman, and Susan Braxton (LSSC and LCP).


Meeting Documents: Marshall Gallery Proposal


  1. Approve Minutes for February 14, 2022 February 14, 2022, EC meeting minutes were approved upon the motion by Bill Maher and second by Peg Burnette.


  1. Question time – Dean Wilkin
  • Budget – We will proceed with academic appointments, with recommendations for prioritization and approval to move back to EC. There are four positions that have come forward and await prioritization and discussion. Dean Wilkin would like EC to have a periodic review of requests against available funds.
  • Chris Prom has been recruited as the Acting Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Humanities, Arts and related fields in the OVCRI at a 50% appointment for a year beginning May 16, 2022. Chris will be replacing Cynthia Oliver while she is on leave. Dean Wilkin and Chris will meet to discuss a plan about how we shift his Library Administration responsibilities. Chris Prom will continue to keep a significant percentage of his administration responsibilities.


  1. Proposal – EC, LSSC, and LCP discussed a proposal brought forward by a group for updating the Marshall Gallery. Mara Thacker will report back to David Ward with EC’s request for revisions to the proposal, emphasizing a consultative process with all relevant stakeholders to develop a vision for the space within the constraints of what can be accomplished from a facilities perspective.


  1. Search Committee Appointment – EC appointed members for a search committee for an Assistant Director of Advancement. Lucretia Williams will reach out to the appointed and will report back to EC if they are willing to serve.


  1. PRC Appointments – EC appointed a replacement for a PRC. Lucretia Williams will reach out to the appointed to see if they are willing to serve and report back to EC.


  1. Committee/Replacement – EC appointed a Residency Committee member replacement. Lucretia Williams will reach out to the appointed and report back to EC of their decision.


  1. LSSC and LCAP Chairs – Rachael Johns, LSSC Co-chair, requested administrative and unit head support to help recruit applicants for the library’s ALA Scholarship Grants and the Reaching Forward South Scholarship grant that are available to staff. LSSC would like to get like to get the message out for supervisors and leadership to try and support their staff in taking advantage of these opportunities. The Dean agreed to send an announcement.


LCP had nothing to report.


  • Inclusion in Governance Report – Dean Wilkin expressed great enthusiasm for the Inclusion in Governance Report recommendations presented to EC earlier in the semester. EC discussed the recommendations and next steps for acting to evolve governance processes to be more inclusive, with a goal of having a new system in place in advance of the arrival of a new Dean of Libraries. EC charged a group to specify the details of a charge and membership for a new governance committee based on the recommendations.
  • Due to questions from the invited co-chair related to the charge and membership, EC (excluding the Dean) continued this discussion with the LSSC and LCP representatives with the addition of John Laskowski in a special session on March 14 in lieu of a regular meeting. The participants in the meeting updated the implementation group’s membership and added information to the charge about developing a process for library-wide approval in addition to required bylaws processes.


  1. Residency update – Victor Jones gave an update on the residency position description and EC recommended revised verbiage. EC appointed members to serve on the Residency Search Committee. Lucretia Williams will reach out to the appointed and report back to EC.


  1. Committee Appointment – Was tabled and will be discussed at a future EC meeting.


  1. Assign Paper Preparers and Editors – Was tabled and will be discussed at a future EC meeting.



Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm

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