March 11, 2013 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

March 11, 20131:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                  1:30-Beth Woodard-update on searches

2.                 Approve minutes from March 4
3.                 Question Time 
4.                 Tenure Review Document – Phillips, Rudasill
5.                 Reviewers for P&T
6.                 Division Coordinator GA
7.                 Replace member on User Ed
8.                RPC funding for AP research

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Chris Prom, vice-chair; Sarah Shreeves, secretary; Mary Laskowski, Nancy O’Brien, Carissa Phillips, Lynne Rudasill, John Wagstaff, David Ward; Visitor – Beth Woodard; Recording-Kim Matherly


1.                 1:30-Beth Woodard-update on searches
The History search has ended. It was suggested that the “Tips Document” be updated to include PTA discussing with the candidate the process of hiring someone tenured or with a Q appointment. We don’t hire people with tenure often, and it’s easy to forget to discuss this point.

An offer has been made to a Vet Med candidate.

We sent in the hiring plan for February. The Provost’s office will not approve any faculty appointments until June, when they hope to know if the State is cutting the University’s budget.

Beth noted that she had met with Mary Laskowski, David Ward, Cindy Kelly, Tom Teper and Donna Hoffman in an effort to move forward with the title changes.
2.                 Approve minutes from March 4
Minutes were approved with changes by a motion from Lynne Rudasill, seconded by Mary Laskowski.
3.                 Question Time 
A personnel issue was discussed.

Mary Case (UIC) met with Senator Biss. She and Heather Joseph, Executive Director of SPARC, helped Biss to craft the bill on open access. The bill did not move forward, and after meeting with Paula and others here at UIUC, Biss is re-writing the bill.

Paper preparers have agreed to write for this year’s P&T candidates.

EC suggested a search committee for the Assistant Dean of Business Operations and Management Information position.

At an earlier meeting, EC discussed starting a process to review criteria for functional specialists similar to the document for subject specialists. The Technical Services, Central Public Services, and Area Studies Divisions will begin reviewing the subject specialist document to better understand what changes and additions need to be made so that the document is relevant to functional specialists.

During the SEIU strike, F&S will supply basic restroom services and garbage removal from restrooms. The strike is slated to end at midnight on Wednesday, March 13. Mail will continue to go out as long as it doesn’t need metering. If you need something delivered on campus and don’t have someone to do it, contact Norris and he will try to help out when his crew is available.

4.                 Tenure Review Document – Phillips, Rudasill
EC made suggestions for changes to the document. Carissa and Lynne will make changes and send the document out for comment. EC will also share the document at the faculty meeting in April.

5.                 Reviewers for P&T
EC chose reviewers for some of the candidates. The remainder will be chosen at the next meeting.

6.                 Division Coordinator GA
EC discussed changing the DC GAs to hourly. Paula will talk to the Budget Group to find out what this will mean for GAships and report back to EC.

7.                 Replace member on User Ed
A name was suggested and Paula will ask the person to serve.

8.                 RPC funding for AP research

RPC wants to find out if there is a widespread need for research funding among APs and what, if any, resources there are on campus for AP research. RPC will report their findings to EC.