June 10, 2013 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

June 10, 20131:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


  1. 1:30-Beth Woodard-update on searches
  2. 2:30 – Cherié Weible – Archives NSM Report
  3. Approve minutes from June 3
  4. Question Time
  5. PRC for Anna Chen (start date 7-16-2013)
  6. AULs agenda for June 18 meeting
    1. History Librarian and Head of HPNL
    2. Hiring plan
  7. Hiring plan
    1. Process
    2. Optimal faculty size and potential growth/change areas
  8. Prepping the new University Librarian

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Chris Prom, vice-chair; Sarah Shreeves, secretary and recording; Mary Laskowski; Nancy O’Brien; John Wagstaff; David Ward

Guests: Beth Woodard, Cherié Weible


  1. 1:30-Beth Woodard-update on searches
    1. Beth provided an update on searches that are currently underway. We are holding off on moving forward on the other approved positions; these will be re-ranked in the hiring plan.
    2. EC and Beth discussed the need to have clearer direction on how to craft grant funded positions as well as a fast track for getting these through the Library and campus approval process.
    3. EC and Beth also discussed the need to have a policy on use of Skype or other video conferencing for searches.
  2. 2:30 – Cherié Weible – Archives NSM Report
    1. Cherié Weible met with EC to discuss the Archives NSM Report. The report presents a phased approach. EC asked questions related to facilities, the potential of getting compact shelving into room 21, and the proposed size of the classroom. Cherié indicated that the proposed size matched the class size that uses the Student Life and Culture collections.
    2. The report is now posted for comments with a response by Monday, June 17th required.
  3. Approve minutes from June 3
    1. Approved without changes, with a motion by John Wagstaff, seconded by Nancy O’Brien.
  4. Question Time
    1. What is the status of the History Librarian and Head of HPNL position? The Library is exploring an interim solution.
    2. Paula noted that there were recently rule changes for rehiring retirees that can potentially have a great financial impact on hiring units. See http://www.ahr.illinois.edu/units/hrprocesses/HB4996.pdf for more information.
    3. Two personnel issues were discussed.
    4. Can we request more positions given the provost’s email asking for optimal faculty size? We don’t know; we might want to amend the hiring request in September if it becomes clear that is possible.
    5. Has the campus approved the Research Data Services proposal? There is an upcoming meeting between Paula, Paul Hixson, Beth Sandore, Peter Schiffer (VCR), the Provost, and the Chancellor to discuss the proposal.
  5. PRC for Anna Chen (start date 7-16-2013)
    1. A PRC was selected.
  6. AULs agenda for June 18 meeting
    1. History Librarian and Head of HPNL
    2. Hiring plan
  7. Hiring plan
    1. Process: EC will meet with the AULs and Rod Allen on June 18th to review the position requests and to rank these within the hiring plan.
    2. Optimal faculty size and potential growth/change areas: EC discussed different ways in which we can determine an optimal size and support that argument. These include:
      1. Looking at the size of librarian staff in peer institutions, particularly those with faculty status.
      2. Looking at areas of special responsibility including the University Archives (where we have statutory responsibility) and our Special Collections.
      3. Looking at areas of potential growth: open access directives at the national and state level; research data services; undergraduate research; infrastructure needs in metadata and digital library services
      4. Looking at the campus Visioning Excellence areas: this is challenging in that we don’t have a clear sense of what the campus will be doing.
      5. Looking at where we have visiting faculty positions. These may reflect actual long term needs.

      Paula will start a document that outlines these in more detail.

  8. Prepping the new University Librarian
    1. EC discussed how we should approach prepping the new University Librarian, particularly in terms of the governance structure and policy making. EC proposes that:
      1. Each unit should put together a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, Opportunities) analysis that is no longer than one page.
      2. EC will prepare a brief description from the executive committee on the governance process.
      3. It should be a priority that the UL meet with PTAC, FRC, and talk to two PRCs (one for a 5Y candidate and one for a 3Y candidate).
      4. The AULs should discuss with the UL the role of Administrative Council as well as discuss areas of new or focused initiatives as outlined in the strategic plan.