December 7, 2015 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

December 7, 20151:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   1:30-2:00-Lisa Hinchliffe – Strategic Plan
2.   Approve minutes from November 23
3.   Question Time
4.   Agenda – AULs at 12/17 meeting
5.   Establish Promotion Process for APs
6.   CAPT Decision
7.   Residency programs– the goal of the discussion is to address ways to signal more broadly the intentionally short duration of some select Visiting positions in the Library and coordinate calls for interest.
8.   Divisional Structure-look at bylaws

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Kirstin Dougan, vice-chair; Mary Laskowski, secretary; MJ Han, Bill Mischo, Nancy O’Brien, Lynne Rudasill, Sarah Williams; Visitor-Lisa Hinchliffe; Recording – Kim Matherly


1.   1:30-2:00-Lisa Hinchliffe – Strategic Plan
The work of the Strategic Planning Steering Team resulted in a Framework for Strategic Action. The team was pleased with the level of engagement—more than 250 people were engaged in the process. People are ready to start using the document.

EC very much appreciated the work the team put into the process and the final document. EC found the length and content of the document gives the Library flexibility in adjusting to the campus’ strategic plan, when they have one.

Next steps – The team will send out a final version of the plan. Posters will be created, so units can hang the plan in their areas. The plan will be addressed at the retreat and the team will submit a final report, laying out the process that was uses.

John praised and thanked the team for their work. The document is very inclusive, nicely iterative, thoughtful and outstanding.

2.   Approve minutes from November 23
Minutes were approved with a motion by Kirstin Dougan, seconded by Nancy O’Brien.

3.   Question Time
EC discussed the email thread regarding the Head of MPAL position.

Saturday event – Illinois Black Student Group – this was a great event. John saw many Library people at the event and was proud of the turn out and support from the Library. There was a lot of good conversation around how to be helpful without singling out individuals. The group had good ideas: be more human, crack corny jokes, include the Inclusive Illinois statement on the syllabuses.
P&T recusals – Campus is concerned with the number of recusals the Library has in the voting process for P&T. The Provost has stated to John that it is not appropriate nor necessary for paper preparers to recuse themselves. Mary Laskowski and Nancy O’Brien will draft a charge for P&T to update the online documents dealing with recusals.

COD – some deans have been told that they may not submit P&T cases for early approval. Moreover, it has not been clear what happens if a person goes up for early approval and the case isn’t approved (e.g., must a t-contract be extended to the individual?). The Provost will be sending a formal document stating that early submissions are allowed and if the individual does not get approved, they may resubmit on the regular time-line.

APs– Many APs expressed their gratitude with the engaged way the issue of clinical faculty was approached, even though they may not have been entirely happy with the outcome. A group would like EC to support a Library AP Advisory Committee to the Dean. The members would be elected by other APs in the Library. This group would not be in charge of the AP promotion process, but would have representation to a formal process.

Confidential issues were discussed.

4.   Agenda – AULs at 12/17 meeting
Org chart
Budget – numbers and philosophy.

5.   CAPT Decision
EC expressed the sense that CAPT will need to do a better job of coordinating work and communicating out. EC approved the new CAPT charge. CAPT will be assessed in one year.

6.   Establish Promotion Process for APs
Mary Laskowski and Bill Mischo will work on a charge and membership for a group to move this process forward.

7.   Residency programs– the goal of the discussion is to address ways to signal more broadly the intentionally short duration of some select Visiting positions in the Library and coordinate calls for interest
Residents may be used instead of visiting, in some cases. This is a way to fill positions on a temporary basis without losing a permanent line. There is value in creating early career opportunities. EC suggested a working group, headed by Kirstin Dougan, to look at establishing a proposal and framework for a residency program.

8.   Divisional Structure-look at bylaws-Lynn to send something out by next meting

Deferred to next meeting.



11/24/15 – Approved changing the GA request & allocations calendar

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