December 6, 2021 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

December 6, 20211:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Agenda Details




December 6, 2021


Zoom Meeting


  1. Approve minutes – November 22, 2021
  2. Question Time
  3. EC Housekeeping
  4. Discuss topics to discuss for next week EC AULs/Directors
  5. Diversity Residency Proposal
  6. The timetable and process for the annual review of Directors and AULs
  7. Information Sciences Librarian Position Request
  8. Final Strategic Funding Report
  9. Best Practices in Hiring Proposals

Minutes Details




December 6, 2021

1:30-3:00 pm

Zoom Conference Call


Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair); Bill Maher, Peg Burnette, Dan Tracy, Mary Laskowski, Chris Wiley, Joe Lenkart, and Kelli Trei. Lucretia Williams; Recording


Meeting Documents: Diversity Residency Advisory Committee Charge; Final Report: Library Strategic Funding Award for Open Module Sprint


  1. Approve Minutes for November 15, 2021 Approval of the November 15 minutes was postponed until the next meeting to allow more time for review and correction.


  1. Question time –
  • Dean Wilkin informed EC that the Library has received the annual budget guidelines. They look like last year’s budget guidelines and there is a deadline of January 31st. The AULs and Directors have already begun discussing our approach, and the plan is to keep roughly the same timetable as last year, with a draft for EC and Senate Library Committee review roughly a week before the deadline. Dean Wilkin will share that timetable with EC after Thursday, December 9, 2021 when he meets with the the AULs and directors.
  • The Library met a November 29, 2021 deadline to get materials to the Chancellor’s office to have the Special Collections building project put on the January 20, 2021 Board of Trustees Agenda. Part of the requirement was securing the funds necessary to do the project. The Library was able to do that with the support from the Provost’s Office. The architects presented the plan to President Killeen, and both the President and the Chancellor and are enthusiastic about the project.
  • 5 Year Reviews of Unit Heads – Lucretia Williams updated EC on the 5-Year Unit Head Annual Reviews timetable. We are currently on schedule with those already assigned, and the next one will not be due September 2022.
  • A member of EC asked if there were backup plans in case of a COVID flare-up (i.e., due to Omicron). There is not a “back-up plan” per se but there is a plan for modulation of services in response to the COVID situation generally. There is already central planning on campus related to Omicron specifically as well.


  1. EC Housekeeping –
    • EC discussed and gave feedback on the timing of release of EC documents under discussion in order to allow opportunity for feedback. The correct answer is likely to vary by document, and we should be careful to establish what is appropriate in each case.
    • Earlier in the fall semester, EC moved position ranking and approvals to the Budget Group on a temporary basis due to the current budget situation. EC discussed ways to ensure the group (including LCAP and LSSC representatives) have the opportunity to provide feedback to the EC rep to Budget Group so that the representative can be informed of the preferences of the group as a whole.


  1. Discussions topics for next EC AULs/Directors – EC suggested topics of discussion for the next AULs/Directors at EC. Lucretia Williams will contact the AULs/Directors and inform them of the topics that EC would like for them to present.


  1. Diversity Residency Proposal – EC was in favor of appointing the group and letting them get started, with the understanding that they come back to EC with formal proposals as quickly as possible. Joe Lenkart moved to approve the proposal as written; Kelli Trei seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


  1. The Timetable and process for the annual review of Directors and AULs – EC suggested deadlines for the timetable and process for the Annual Review process. Mara Thacker will send out the announcement to the Directors and AULs of the timeline and Lucretia Williams will update the website with the Annual Reviews.


  1. Information Sciences Librarian Position Request – EC discussed the Information Sciences Librarian position request, but also noted it will be subject to the current process routed through the Budget Group. The EC representative to the Budget Group will take EC’s comments forward when appropriate.


  1. Final Strategic Funding Report – EC discussed the Final Report for a Strategic Funding grant from Sara Benson on the “Open Module Sprint” project and approved it. The faculty member will be notified of EC’s approval and thank them. Bill Maher made a motion to approve, which was seconded by Mara Thacker.


  1. Best Practices in Hiring Proposals – Was tabled and will be discussed at a future EC meeting.



Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm