August 27, 2012 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

August 27, 20121:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.                 1:30-Tom Teper – CDC
2.                 Approve minutes from August 13
3.                 Question Time 
4.                 AUL agenda for 9/5 meeting

                         a.   AUL review process 

5.                 Personnel issue
6.                 Humanities Planning Team Chair
7.                 E-Serials Cataloging Specialist Position
8.                 Membership for SAC 
9.                 Head, Central Access Services Position

Minutes Details


Paula Kaufman, chair; Chris Prom, vice chair; Sarah Shreeves, secretary; Mary Laskowski, Nancy O’Brien, Carissa Phillips, Lynne Rudasill, John Wagstaff, David Ward; Recording: Kim Matherly


1.                 Approve minutes from August 13
Approved with changes.
2.                 Question Time 
Chris Prom was nominated and accepted the designation of vice-chair for the coming year.

Sarah Shreeves was nominated and accepted the designation of secretary for the coming year.

A personnel issue was discussed.

There was a discussion about recruiting diverse pools for faculty and AP positions.

Title changes will go forward as submitted. EC will follow through with title changes for those with assistant or coordinator in their title.

EC will invite Beth Woodard to one meeting per month to give an update on searches.

There is no news on the UL search. Paula will meet with the new Provost on August 28 and ask about progress.

There was discussion about the associate to full professor procedure and changes that might be made. There was also discussion about how sabbaticals and possible research leaves are determined. Paula will look into the campus policy and send out information to the committee.

The committee chose a PRC member for a new faculty member.
3.                 AUL reviews-new process?
EC will discuss a potential new review process with the AULs at their next meeting with EC. Another item to discuss with the AULs is the strategic plan process.

4.                 Title change
A title change was discussed for an AP position.

5.                 Humanities Planning Team Chair
A chair and committee was suggested and will be asked to serve.
6.                 E-Serials Cataloging Specialist Position
EC requested that Michael Norman submit this position for the February Hiring Plan.
7.                 Membership for SAC 
This will be discussed at the next meeting.
8.                 Head, Central Access Services Position

This was approved.


8/8/12 – Approved Charge for Main Library Humanities Hub Planning Team