August 24, 2015 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

August 24, 20151:30 pm - 3:00 pm 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


1.   Elect Vice-chair, Secretary, and Faculty Meeting Agenda Committee Representative

2.   2:00-2:30pm – AULs
a.   Assignment of responsibilities for Sue’s duties – GAP, Permanent
b.   Copyright Librarian
c.   Beth – Restructuring of duties
d.   AULs leading the 5-year Head review for those who report to them
3.   Approve minutes from August 17
4.   Question Time
5.   Job description
6.   Mortenson Advisory Committee
7.   ClimateQual Team Charge, Membership
8.   PRC for Faculty member

Minutes Details


John Wilkin, chair; Kirstin Dougan, vice-chair; JoAnn Jacoby, secretary; Mary Laskowski, Lori Mestre, Bill Mischo, Nancy O’Brien, Sarah Williams; Visitors-Beth Namachchivaya, Tom Teper; Recording: Kirstin Dougan


1.       Elected Officers
Vice-chair: Kirstin Dougan; Secretary: JoAnn Jacoby; Faculty Meeting Agenda Committee Representative: Lori Mestre; Liaison to Search Committees: Sarah Williams

The draft document of EC officer responsibilities, which includes the latter two positions, needs to be brought back to EC for finalization.

2.      2:00-2:30pm – AULs

  1. a.      Assignment of responsibilities for Sue’s duties – Gap, Permanent

Discussed the matrix of responsibilities of the AUL for User Services and how they will be handled in transition and any duties that will be transferred permanently. Beth will take sabbatical coordination responsibility, given the primary focus of sabbaticals being research. However, as already occurs, the other AULs will be consulted in matters of coverage. Technology issues that require relationship building with Technology Services (nee CITES) and other campus units will (continue to) be managed by Beth, but the other AULs, other members of Library IT management, and/or relevant unit heads will be involved in conversations as necessary. Dean Wilkin expressed the need to be looped in on larger issues so as to not be caught unawares if contacted by someone at Technology Services regarding issues. ARL Spec Surveys will be overseen by the appropriate AUL based on topic.

b.      Copyright Librarian
Not discussed fully, but Dean Wilkin stated the need to be absolutely clear about what we want in this position when creating the job description. He, Beth, and Aaron McCullough will have initial discussions about this.

c.      Beth – Restructuring of duties
The Committee discussed proposed changes in the responsibilities and titles of the Scholarly Commons co-Coordinators, and made recommendations aimed at clarifying those responsibilities in the draft position description.  Beth will work with the faculty involved and confirm the revisions to the position description.

d.      AULs leading the 5-year Head review for those who report to them
Kim maintains a list of which unit heads are on 5-year appointments (less than half of them) and the schedule for review. It was suggested that this list could be made public in the way of the tenure clock/PRC list. The policy/process for review as codified by last year’s round of reviews,, worked well, and will be amended (by JoAnn and Kirstin, who will bring to EC for approval) to indicate that the AUL to whom the unit head reports will be one of the people interviewed by the review committee. The committee’s final report will be sent to that AUL, who will be responsible for communicating any issues to the Dean and working with the unit heads to correct any issues. The 2-year interim review, now conducted by the Dean, will be conducted by the relevant AUL, and will center on unit goal setting, as iterated in the unit annual report.

3.      Approve minutes from August 17 
Minutes were approved with a motion from Kirstin Dougan, seconded by Mary Laskowski.
4.      Question Time
a.      Provost Adesida has stepped down and Interim Chancellor Wilson will work with the Faulty Senate and consult with others (e.g., deans) on choosing an interim appointment. This should not have any impact on tenure cases this year, but may cause some delays in hiring. Adesida will attend the next Council of Deans.
b.      Aaron McCullough will be added to the Repository Services Coordinator search committee. Beth will be the diversity advocate.
c.      Library org chart—this should be discussed in EC next time the AULs are on the agenda.
d.      EC Office hours—due to low attendance it was decided not to continue these, which will be announced at the next faculty meeting, and will ask for recommendations for other methods to get feedback from staff and faculty. Will stress that people can email EC as a whole or individual members.
e.      Visiting Information System Analyst (backfill for Tom Habing) search is approved.
f.        Personnel issue was discussed
5.      Job description
This was deferred to another meeting.

6.      Mortenson Advisory Committee 
Two individuals were suggested as possible replacements.

7.      ClimateQual Team Charge, Membership
This was deferred to another meeting.
8.      Full PRC for faculty member (Lynne Rudasill)

This was deferred to another meeting.