April 11, 2022 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

April 11, 20221:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom

Agenda Details




April 11, 2022


Zoom Meeting


  1. Approve minutes – April 4, 2022
  2. Question Time
  3. Associate Director of Advancement for Stewardship and Donor Relations Revised Job Description
  4. LSSC/LCP Agenda topics for the next EC meeting
  5. 2-2:30 AUL’s/Director
  6. Call for Summer Faculty Meeting in June
  7. Hiring Practices Recommendations Continued Discussion
  8. Hiring Priorities and Communication on Requests

Minutes Details




    April 11, 2022

    1:30-3:00 pm

    Zoom Conference Call


    Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); Mara Thacker (Vice-Chair); Peg Burnette, Bill Maher, Dan Tracy, Mary Laskowski, Chris Wiley, Joe Lenkart, and Kelli Trei. Lucretia Williams; Recording


    Invited Attendees: Tom Teper, Chris Prom, David Ward, Sara Holder.


    1. Approve minutes – April 4, 2022
    • Kelli Trei moved to approve the April 4, 2022, minutes. Mary Laskowski seconded the motion.


    1. Question Time –
    • Library Committee volunteer process to fill vacancies is underway. This is to see if anyone is interested in serving on one or more of the UIUC Library’s appointed committees effective August 16th of the same year. New applications must be submitted each year; forms will not be retained after one year. Lucretia Williams and Hannah Williams are collecting the volunteers. Assignments are typically made in June and July.
    • Victor Jones is in communication with the OAE to work on some of the language around the residency program before the posting goes live.
    • EC appointed additional Paper Preparers. Lucretia Williams will reach out to the appointed to see if they are willing to serve. Lucretia will then report back to EC with feedback.
    • Dean Search Committee – The Provost has indicated that nearly all of the committee members are appointed.


    1. Associate Director of Advancement for Stewardship and Donor Relations Revised Job Description – EC noted minor edits and suggested a structural issue. Kelli Trei will work with the committee and HR to normalize the structure for posting.


    1. LSSC/LCP Agenda topics for the next EC meeting – EC discussed agenda topic recommendations for the next meeting for the portion that LSSC and LCAP join.


    1. 2-2:30 AULs/Director
      • The structure of the self-study for the Academic Program Review.
        • Dean Wilkin thanked the AULs/Directors for all their hard work on the self-study. He noted it required a substantial amount of work, and it was very well done.
        • It was also noted that the structure is defined by a template with adaptations made for the library context in coordination with the Provost’s office. The draft of the self-study is also with the Provost’s office now.
        • The goal is to finish up feedback by Tuesday, April 12, 2022, so that the administrative team can use that feedback to create a final version that will go for formatting and editing.
        • EC members suggested some additional information for the self-study document:
          1. Grants that we receive and our fundraising efforts.
          2. Administration or administrative positions and gender representation in those positions. Women and minorities tend to continue to be underrepresented in leadership roles
        • Any updates regarding UGL closure timelines.
          • The townhall meeting is on April 27, 2022. David Ward and Sara Holder are working with Tom Teper, Ralph Mathisen, and the Senate Committee on the Library on that.
          • There will be a PowerPoint presentation shown at the townhall to further give a breakdown of all the project pieces and space plans. The UGL will close at the end of the spring term. All spaces will be available around the same time, although some furnishings or equipment will come later in the summer.
        • Annual Evaluations for AULs/Directors – EC is finalizing AUL/Director reports and those should be submitted soon.


    1. Call for Summer Faculty Meeting in June – EC approved a request for an additional Faculty meeting on June 29, 2022, from 3-4:30pm for the purpose of discussing the Inclusion in Governance Task Force’s work. This will be in addition to other working sessions and feedback opportunities.


    1. Hiring Practices Recommendations Continued Discussion – EC completed its discussion of the hiring recommendations submitted by a group led by Susan Breakenridge in response to the former Research Support Task Force. Kelli Trei will take the collected recommendations back to HR.


    1. Hiring Priorities and Communication on Requests
    • In light of the shift to budget group and back, EC discussed the need to communicate a process to the library for what requests should look like and who they should go to. EC will take this up at a future meeting.
    • EC had its first full discussion of the current position requests under consideration since the process returned to EC from the budget group.
    • EC indicated support for converting the Visiting Information Sciences Librarian position to a tenure track position, with significant support for the idea that it was currently scoped appropriately. Members stressed the importance of the significant growth of multidisciplinary graduate and undergraduate programs at the School of Information Sciences, and related expanded need for leadership provided by the Information Sciences Librarian. A significant expansion of the position responsibilities would be untenable and not set a new faculty member up for success. The Dean noted again the reasons why the visiting position was intended as a temporary solution and would not be converted. Five members of EC indicated their formal objection to the refusal to convert the visiting position, and requested further consultation. The original visiting position description did not include language that would support a conversion to a tenure track position. EC members were informed that further discussion of the topic of converting the visiting position would be unwelcome.

    EC deferred any specific position prioritization until a future meeting due to running out of time.