January 4, 2021 Meeting of Executive Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

January 4, 20211:30 pm - 3:00 pm Zoom Meeting

Agenda Details




January 4, 2021


Zoom Meeting


  1. Approve minutes – December 14, 2020
  2. Question Time
  3. Discussion topics for AUL’s/Directors at next EC
  4. Request for change in appointment
  5. Outreach and Engagement Committee ex officio members


Minutes Details




January 4, 2021

1:30-3:00 pm

Zoom Conference Call


EC Attendees: John Wilkin (Chair); William Maher (Vice-Chair); Dan Tracy (Secretary); Mara Thacker, Mary Laskowski, David Ward, Kelli Trei, Jennifer Teper, and Peg Burnette. Lucretia Williams, Recording



  1. Minutes – The December 14, 2020 minutes were approved with changes upon the motion by Bill Maher and seconded by Mary Laskowski.


  1. Question Time – Dean Wilkin updated EC on the search for an Assistant Dean for BHSRC. He also informed EC that budget work continues to go well and there is a combined document with the contributions from all of the administrative team. Dean Wilkin intended to get this to EC sometime after January16, 2021. To date it is well ahead of schedule. A question was asked whether EC could provide specific guidance on the additional one-page summary of activities that directors will provide with their annual reports. We will put this issue as well as the timetable for AUL/Director reports on the next agenda.


  1. Discussion topics for AUL’s/Directors at next EC – The AULs and Directors will attend EC on Monday, January 11, 2021 from 2-2:45 instead of the regular 2-2:30. EC would like for the AULs/Directors to discuss the budget documents and updates on the Main Undergraduate Integration Project. Lucretia will inform the AUL’s/Directors of the time adjustment for the next EC and the topics of discussion.


  1. Request for change in appointment –. Dean Wilkin reminded EC that all positions are being held in order to make our reduction target in the current budget process, and that this position is no exception. EC discussed the value of the position and recommended that it be proposed again sometime in the Fall 2021 when the Library’s budget allocation is final and we have a clearer sense of available resources (i.e., after the state’s allocation to the University). At that point, the position would be reviewed along with other open positions. Bill Maher will be communicating to the unit head that the change of appointment request cannot be supported at this time in light of budget planning, and that the unit should make a request for renewal of the current visiting appointment. David Ward also suggested a review of the position description that comes forward; it will make the path easier to do a renewal of an existing position.


  1. Outreach and Engagement Committee ex-officio members – The Outreach and Engagement Committee requested that EC make several current members ex officio. EC concluded that the Chief Communications Officer (Heather Murphy) should be an ex-officio member. However, while the other individuals do relevant work, there was a sense that they do so in a way that is becoming more typical and we cannot make all individuals with a particular job function ex officio on each relevant committee. There was also a concern about keeping the size of the committee manageable. However, the committee should continue tracking the involvement of particular individuals and based on that revisit this issue later. Bill Maher will reach out to the Outreach and Engagement Committee Chair with EC’s decision.




Meeting Adjourned 2:40 pm