Find & Analyze Data

Find Data

We are here to help you find the data you need for coursework, teaching, and research.

Please see the list below for a sample of datasets in our data collection. If you would like access to this data or need help with data discovery, please contact us at for assistance.

Data Purchase

In certain circumstances, the Library may be able to purchase data upon request and add it to our data collection. You may use our Suggest a Purchase form to make your request, which will be forwarded to the appropriate collection managers for consideration.

Data Analysis

Advanced Software

We have 12 Windows desktops with various advanced data analysis software applications. See our Software page for details.

Statistical Consulting

Need help using data analysis software or want general guidance in data analysis? CITL offers drop-in assistance in Group Room B in Room 220 and on Zoom. For more information, visit the CITL Statistical Consulting webpage.