Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research e-journal
ISSN: 1058-6768
Purpose, objective, or mission: LIBRES, an international refereed e-journal, publishes research and scholarly articles in library and information science and services (LIS). “It has a particular focus on research in emerging areas of LIS, synthesis of LIS research areas, and on novel perspectives and conceptions that advance theory and practice.”1
Target audience: LIBRES is for information science professionals and librarians interested in all aspects of LIS research and scholarship, but especially in emerging areas, novel perspectives, and new understandings of LIS theory and practice.2
Publisher: LIBRES is jointly published by the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information and the NTU Libraries at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. It was previously published by the Department of Information Studies at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia.3
Peer reviewed? At least two referees blind review each paper.4
Type: LIS scholarly journal.
Medium: LIBRES is an online, open-access journal.
Content: This journal has three main sections, Research Papers, Synthesis & Perspectives, and Special Sections. The journal publishes research papers on studies that advance LIS, synthesis papers that survey areas of LIS for new or better understandings, and scholarly opinion or perspective papers that explore new conceptions of LIS.5 Each Special Section is devoted to papers from conferences from around the globe, promoting the journal’s commitment to regional LIS scholarship.6
Frequency of publication: Twice a year, in June and December.7
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines: Author Guidelines.
Types of contributions accepted: LIBRES accepts scholarly research, synthesis, and perspective papers on any aspect of LIS, especially in emerging areas or with novel conceptions that advance theory and practice. 8
Submission and review process: Submissions should be sent in Microsoft Word documents to the editor at Submissions are usually reviewed within 60 days of receipt. Papers should not be under review or published elsewhere. “The reviews will pay particular attention to whether the papers are interesting, useful, thoughtful, and a significant contribution to knowledge in the LIS field.”9
Editorial tone: The journal uses a formal academic style. The journal’s official language is English, but the editor encourages submissions from developing countries and countries where English is not the native language; revision and editing for readability are part of the publication process.10
Style guide used: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.11
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
LIBRES is focused on new research and novel perspectives from the LIS international academic community. Authors can submit to either the Research Papers section or to the Synthesis & Perspectives section. The journal’s authorship is international, and it publishes articles from developed and developing countries; LIBRES takes “a nurturing attitude towards papers and authors,” and the editorial board provides “substantive guidance to the authors,” especially those who are not native English speakers.12 “In subject coverage, it has a particular strength in library/information service,” and it promotes worldwide regional LIS community scholarship by publishing conference papers.13 It publishes high-quality research, often on technology and service, from a many different countries, pushing LIS regional and international innovation forward.
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: Data not available.
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: LIBRES is published in English and is international in scope,14 and the editorial board is especially interested in linking up with “regional LIS research communities worldwide.”15
Reader characteristics: The audience of LIBRES is LIS academics and professionals from around the world,16 and papers are published by authors from the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Qatar, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia, to name a few. The conference papers in the Special Sections expand its international scope in terms of research and readership.
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Readers will have a professional and scholarly understanding of LIS practice and research.
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
This scholarly journal’s readers will expect formal research and high-level syntheses. Topics for submission include current and emerging LIS research areas, emerging technology, and library service. For LIS professional and student researchers, LIBRES is a good place to research that investigates practices within library and information science environments and advances in new and emerging technology. For LIS scholars, LIBRES encourages synthesis papers that consider theory and practice in a new light and opinion and perspective pieces that explore new ideas in LIS.
Last updated: January 30, 2018
- “About LIBRES,” LIBRES, accessed January 26, 2018,
- “About LIBRES.”
- “About LIBRES.”
- “About LIBRES.”
- “Author Guidelines,” LIBRES, accessed January 26, 2018,
- For example, Special Section: Digital Curation Projects and Research in Asia, LIBRIS 26, no. 1 (2018), accessed January 26, 2018,
- “About LIBRES.”
- “Author Guidelines.”
- “Author Guidelines.”
- Chris Khoo, “Editorial,” LIBRIS 25, no. 1 (2015), accessed January 31, 2018,
- “Author Guidelines.”
- Chris Khoo, “Editorial,” LIBRIS 24, no. 1 (2014), accessed January 31, 2018,
- Khoo, “Editorial” (2014).
- “Author Guidelines.”
- Khoo, “Editorial” (2014).
- Khoo, “Editorial” (2014).