Publication analysis
About the publication
Title: Electronic Green Journal
ISSN: 1076-79751
Purpose, objective, or mission: “The main goal of the EGJ is to assist in international scholarly communication about environmental issues. In order to meet this goal, the journal strives to serve as an open and active forum of communication about environmental issues, as well as an educational environmental resource, including both practical and scholarly articles, bibliographies, reviews, editorial comments, and announcements.”2
Target audience: Electronic Green Journal is geared toward information consultants, environmentalists, ecologists, regional planners, publishers, booksellers, educators, librarians, students, and others interested in environmental issues.3
Publisher: University of California at Los Angeles Library4
Peer reviewed? Yes5
Type: Environmental Studies and LIS, scholarly6
Medium: Online7
Content: International environmental information8
Frequency of publication: Semiannually9
About the publication’s submission guidelines
Location of submission guidelines:;view=submissionguidelines
Types of contributions accepted: Submissions may not be previously published or simultaneously submitted to another publication. Scholarly manuscripts from all fields and countries related to environmental issues are accepted. No specific information is given as to length of manuscripts.10 Book reviews of up to 600 words are also accepted.11
Submission and review process: Authors must register with the website first. Manuscripts are to be written in English and submitted online. Specific requirements for manuscript submission including abstract and formatting instructions can be found at;view=submissionguidelines. Before submitting a manuscript, potential authors should ensure it complies with preparation checklist on the Submission Guidelines page. All feature articles are reviewed by experts in the particular field. If necessary, articles will be edited by journal staff.12
Editorial tone: Scholarly13
Style guide used: The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition. Authors are advised to consult the Purdue Online Writing Lab for additional assistance.14
Conclusion: Evaluation of publication’s potential for LIS authors
This is an interdisciplinary publication with a broad readership that includes librarians and students. LIS authors whose research encompasses environmental concerns and who wish to reach a global audience should consider submitting to this journal.15
Authors interested in writing book reviews are invited to choose from a selection of titles and produce a review of no more than 600 words.16
Audience analysis
About the publication’s readers
Publication circulation: Not stated. As the Electronic Green Journal has been an open-access publication since 1994, it likely serves a fairly large international audience.17
Audience location and language or cultural considerations: As an open-access online journal written in American English, Electronic Green Journal serves a diverse, well-educated, and professional international community interested in environmental topics.18
Reader characteristics: This journal serves the global community and is written for information consultants, environmentalists, librarians, educators, students and all who are interested in “worldwide environmental topics.” According to the website, environmental issues cross disciplines and borders, so readers will likely be progressive and liberal, and come from a variety of backgrounds.19
Knowledge of LIS subject matter: Since readers come from a variety of disciplines, authors are well-advised to include descriptions of any specific LIS terms and subject.20
Conclusion: Analysis of reader characteristics and their potential impact on authors
By publishing in the Electronic Green Journal, authors may expect to reach a politically liberal, professionally diverse, and international audience interested in environmental issues.21
Last updated: April 22, 2017
- Electronic Green Journal, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 11, 2018,
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=aimsandscope
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=aimsandscope
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,
- Electronic Green Journal, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 22, 2017,
- Electronic Green Journal, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 22, 2017,
- Electronic Green Journal, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=aimsandscope
- Electronic Green Journal, Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory, accessed April 22, 2017,
- “Submission Guidelines,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=submissionguidelines
- “Guide for Reviewers,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=guidelinesforreviewers
- “Submission Guidelines,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=submissionguidelines
- “Submission Guidelines,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=submissionguidelines
- “Submission Guidelines,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=submissionguidelines
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=aimsandscope
- “Guide for Reviewers,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=guidelinesforreviewers
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=aimsandscope
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=aimsandscope
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=aimsandscope
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=aimsandscope
- “Aims and Scope,” University of California eScholarship, accessed April 22, 2017,;view=aimsandscope