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Resources in Economics

Find Articles in Databases & Journals

Use databases to search multiple online journals at the same time. Find articles about a specific topic by using keywords, subject headings, authors, and more.



Find Background Information

Reference Sources

Reference sources, online or in print, include encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, and directories and are great starting points for background information about a specific topic.

Data Sets

Data sets are collections of data typically in table form.

More: Databases by Subject – Datasets 


Browse Useful Websites & Blogs

Websites can provide statistics, data, articles, documents, and other information about a specific field of study.


Develop Research Skills

Economics Research Guides

Research guides provide suggestions for finding and using information about a specific subject.

Class Guides

Class guides are created by librarians to provide guides to helpful sources for a particular class.



Use Additional Library Resources

Economics Related Libraries and Library Services



Learn About Other Resources on Campus

Learn about economics resources, research, and services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

About the Economics Collection

Economics covers the history of economic thought, economic theory, econometrics, public finance, international economics and monetary theory and practice. Personal finance and consumer economics are taken care of by the Funk Library. Overlaps in this area include parts of labor economics with the labor and employment relations collection, welfare economics with the education collection, and urban and regional economics with the city planning and landscape architecture collection. There is also a slight overlap with the Law Library pertaining to the legal and economic aspects of antitrust and monopoly and the broad area of governmental regulation of business.

Contact the Economics Librarian