Update 05/2023
The University Library reviews all tenure-track faculty entering their tenure code “3” (3Y) year in the probationary period, in accordance with Provost Communication 13 (http://provost.illinois.edu/communication/13/index.html). Per Communication 13, this document builds on campus 3Y guidelines and details the specific procedures used by the Library for these reviews.
3Y Reviews occur during the Spring Semester, and follow the timeline of the Library Master Calendar For Annual Review, Peer Review, Promotion & Tenure (http://www.library.illinois.edu/committee/faculty/documents/PandTCalendars.html).
Summary of Process
The Library’s standard practice at 3Y is to consult internal and external reviewers to assess the candidate’s current progress towards tenure. External reviewers are sent representative publications, the candidate’s Research statement from the Dossier, and CV, and provide evaluative feedback on the candidate’s Research accomplishments, as well as contributions to the field through Service activities. The Library Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee reviews all 3Y candidate Dossiers, and makes a recommendation to the University Librarian based on the following 4-point scale:
- Satisfactory progress towards tenure, no major issues at this time.
- Some progress towards tenure, but major concerns must be addressed quickly.
- Inadequate progress towards tenure, but some realistic possibility exists that with major increase in commitment on part of the candidate and intervention of colleagues, the candidate might possibly meet tenure requirements by 6Y.
- Inadequate progress towards tenure, unlikely to resolve concerns in time to achieve tenure, should be considered as possible candidate for early termination (see Provost Communication 10 (http://provost.illinois.edu/communication/10/index.html).
The University Librarian makes all final decisions on 3Y cases.
See the Promotion and Tenure Master Calendar for all dates and the order of 3Y review
Candidate Responsibilities
- Please consult with your PRC, Unit, Division, PTAC, and other mentors during all steps of this process to help make the most informed choices about your case.
- Update your Dossier, following the guidelines and using the template at: http://www.library.illinois.edu/committee/faculty/documents/dossier_guidelines_for_library_faculty.html and Provost Communication 9: http://provost.illinois.edu/communication/09/
- It is strongly recommended that you ask your PRC or other tenured mentors in the Library to review your Dossier prior to submitting it.
- Provide a suggested list of at least four internal and five external reviewers to your PRC prior to the date indicated on the Master Calendar. Review the criteria for qualified reviewers at the link below. Note that all reviewers must be Associate Professor (or equivalent) rank or higher, and preferably at a peer institution: http://www.library.illinois.edu/export/committee/faculty/documents/Guidelines_for_Selection_of_Evaluators_rev-2.pdf
- Work with your PRC to select two accepted (preferably published) publications for external reviewers to assess, prior to the date indicated on the Master Calendar. (See criteria below.) The importance of having accepted, peer-reviewed publication in time for the 3Y Review cannot be overstated since external reviewers must have these materials to complete a review. If two accepted or in print publications cannot be identified, the PRC should consult with the Executive Committee.
- Your “Statement of Research Goals and Accomplishments” will be sent to external reviewers, along with a copy of your CV. Make sure both are updated, polished in format and grammar, and that your Research Statement clearly articulates the impact of your publications and Research findings on the field.
- Submit your dossier punctually according to the dates on the Promotion and Tenure Master Calendar.
Suggested Criteria for Publications sent to External Reviewers
- Selected publications should represent your highest quality work
- Selected publications should provide examples of your unique, original, innovative, and/or other substantive contributions to your chosen field of research
- Selected publications should come from sources which carry high prestige in the field
- At least one publication must be written since joining the UIUC faculty, with a strong preference towards both meeting this criteria.
- See additional guidelines for research located in the Statement on Promotion and Tenure to the Library Faculty at UIUC: http://www.library.illinois.edu/committee/promo/pta.html
PRC Responsibilities
- Select internal (minimum two) and external (minimum two) reviewers, using both the candidate’s suggested list of external reviewers as well as any others deemed appropriate. The PRC should use the candidate’s list as a starting point but has the responsibility and authority to extend the search outside this list as best benefits the case
- Interview internal reviewers who agree to provide evaluative feedback
- The PRC will contact potential external reviewers and determine willingness to write review letters for the candidate. Once they have names of reviewers who have agreed to write, the PRC should forward their names and contact information to the University Librarian’s office.
- Notify the University Librarian’s office with the names and contacts of external reviewers who agree to provide feedback.
- Write the evaluative sections of the candidate’s Dossier, and selectively include brief, representative, non-identifiable quotes from reviewer letters once they are provided to you by the University Librarian’s office
- Reviewer quotes should not include individually identifiable information
- Provide biographical information for each external reviewer in the dossier cover letter, including qualifications for selection (tenure or equivalent rank, standing in the field, etc.). This cover letter is not shared with the candidate.
- Evaluations should assess the quality and impact of the candidate’s work across the entirety of progress to date (0Y-3Y); statements should not be just a summary of activities
- Submit the Dossier, including the above evaluations and Cover Sheet, directly to the University Librarian’s office
- Meet with the candidate and discuss the PTAC 3Y report to PRC. NOTE: PRCs do not meet with candidates or share the completed 3Y Dossier with evaluative sections until AFTER the University Librarian meets with the candidates to discuss the PTAC Review Letter AND PTAC has released the PTAC Report Letter. Completed Dossiers must have reviewer information and the cover letter removed prior to sharing with the candidate. The signature page must be signed at the meeting.
- Return a completed signature page to the University Librarian’s office after meeting with the candidate.
PTAC Responsibilities
- Review all 3Y Dossiers
- Discuss each case and come to a summary evaluative opinion on progress towards tenure
- Write a PTAC 3Y Review Letter (using the scoring chart above) to the University Librarian on the candidate’s progress towards tenure, and projected likelihood of achieving tenure based on documented progress
- Write the PTAC 3Y Report Letter to the PRC (cc’d to the Candidate) about the quality of the Dossier
University Librarian’s Office Responsibilities
- Receive list of external reviewers and contact information from the PRC
- Send each external reviewer: official request letter and explanation of process; representative candidate’s publications; Research Statement; CV
- Forward letters from external evaluators to the PRC
- From PTAC, the University Librarian receives both the PTAC 3Y review letter and PTAC 3Y report to PRC
- The University Librarian meets individually with each candidate to discuss the review letter
- University Librarian signs the candidate’s signature page before or during meeting.
- The University Librarian’s office contacts the chair(s) of PTAC to let them know the meeting has taken place and that PTAC can now send the PTAC 3Y Report Letter to PRC as well as to the candidate
- Follow-up with PRCs to receive final signature page signed by all parties
Summary of documents for Mid Tenure Review Process
- CV: provided by candidate
- Dossier: provided by candidate
- Dossier with evaluations: provided by PRC
- Dossier cover sheet: provided by PRC and not shared with candidate
- Signature sheet: provided by PRC and signed after all meetings have occurred with PRC and University Librarian
- PTAC 3Y report to PRC: provided by PTAC and sent to PRC with a copy to the candidate only after the candidate has met with the University Librarian
- PTAC 3Y review letter: provided by PTAC and sent only to the University Librarian