University Library 0-2Y,4Y Review Process

Created 08/2016

Background and Summary of Process

During the O-2Y and 4Y years, the library annual tenure review process is handled internally.  Peer Review Committees contact all internal reviewers, and conduct the review of a candidate’s research progress personally.

Completed peer review reports, including the candidate dossiers, are submitted to the University Librarian’s office, which distributes them to the Faculty Review Committee (4Y) or the Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee (0Y-3Y) for review.  FRC or PTAC writes a Report Letter summarizing the content of the PRC report and dossier and providing feedback to the PRC, and by extension the candidate.

Reviews occur during the Spring Semester, and follow the timeline of the Library Master Calendar For Annual Review, Peer Review, Promotion & Tenure:

Candidate Responsibilities

  1. Please consult with your PRC, Unit, Division, PTAC, and other mentors during all steps of this process to help make the most informed choices about your case.
  2. Update your Dossier, following the guidelines and using the template at: and Provost Communication 9:
  3. It is strongly recommended that you ask your PRC or other tenured mentors in the Library to review your Dossier prior to submitting it.
  4. Submit your dossier punctually according to the dates on the Promotion and Tenure Master Calendar.

PRC Responsibilities

  1. Select internal (minimum two) reviewers, in consultation with the candidate.  The PRC should use candidate suggestions as a starting point, but has the responsibility and authority to extend the search outside this list as best benefits the case
  2. PRCs provide their own evaluative feedback of a candidates research progress during these years
  3. Interview internal reviewers who agree to provide evaluative feedback
  4. Write the evaluative sections of the candidate’s Dossier, and selectively include brief, representative, non-identifiable quotes from reviewers
  5. Reviewer quotes should not include individually identifiable information
  6. Evaluations should assess the quality and impact of the candidate’s work across the entirety of progress to date; statements should not be just a summary of activities
  7. Meet with the candidate and discuss the completed Dossier
  8. Sign the signature page (with the candidate) at the meeting
  9. Submit the Dossier, including the above evaluations, Cover Sheet, and Signature Page, directly to the University Librarian’s office

FRC Responsibilities

  1. Review all 4Y Dossiers
  2. Discuss each case and come to a summary evaluative opinion on progress towards tenure
  3. Write the Report Letter to the PRC (cc’d to the Candidate) about the quality of the Dossier (for 4Y only)

PTAC Responsibilities

  1. Review all 0Y-2Y Dossiers
  2. Discuss each case and come to a summary evaluative opinion on progress towards tenure
  3. Write the PTAC Report Letter to the PRC (cc’d to the Candidate) about the quality of the Dossier (for 0Y-2Y only)

University Librarian’s Office Responsibilities

  1. Receive and file completed dossiers from PRCs
  2. The University Librarian reviews and signs the signature page for each candidate
  3. From PTAC and FRC, the University Librarian receives the Report Letters to the PRC and candidate