DRAFT                        DRAFT                         DRAFT

Reporting and Action Procedures

March 2004

The UIUC Library Electronic Information Policy for Library Users (adopted September, 1997) establishes Library patron responsibilities in using our electronic resources.  Section 7 of that document (Library Patrons’ Responsibilities) requires that users comply with the licensing terms and obligations of these resources.  Nevertheless, from time to time the Library is alerted to possible violations in use, including open proxies, excessive downloads, and copyright concerns.  In these cases, the following procedure is used to address these incidents:

  1. Whether violations come from vendors, librarians and staff in our Library, or from CITES, violations in the use of electronic resources must be reported to [].  This e-mail address includes the Electronic Resources Coordinator, the Acquisitions Librarian, the AUL for Collections, and the Library Systems Office.


  1. The Library Systems Office and Acquisitions review the report to determine the initial validity of the complaint.  If there appears to be a basis for the complaint, the ertech team then reports the problem to CITES Security [].  ertech will provide CITES with applicable licensing language and access details to enable CITES to investigate the complaint fully.  The ertech team also will share reported violations with Library and campus personnel as needed.


  1. CITES Security will report findings and the resolution of the incident to ertech, who will communicate these to other parties involved in the reported incident.   It is our expectation that the complaint will be addressed and resolved within 10 business days, and  ertech will follow up with CITES as needed to achieve this.


  1. Issues that remain unresolved (e.g. user refuses to relinquish data, or continues to violate the license agreement) are reported to the appropriate school, department or college and to appropriate departmental and administrative librarians, and to campus ethics and disciplinary offices and committees as appropriate.