Google Project Update

Highlights of the CIC Agreement

  1. Up to 10 million volumes will be digitized from the CIC libraries
  2. English and non-English
  3. Both public domain and in-copyright works; bound books only; no foldouts; no rare books; no non-book formats; black and white scanning (no color)
  4. Receive a copy of public domain books; copyrighted works are held on secure Google server until fall into public domain or some other condition is met
  5. Six year project
  6. Google will deposit a copy of each public domain title scanned from a CIC library into a shared digital repository for purposes of preservation and for building a service layer over the content.


July 2007 Orientation to the Google Project at Northwestern—Non-Disclosure Agreement

  1. Received overview of Google Book Search product and of the Google Book Search operation
  2. CIC planning overview
  3. Michigan shared information
  4. Discussed logistics and workflow planning; condition issues; collection analysis; technical specifications


August 2007 CIC Principles for Implementing the Google Digitization Project

  1. Each library agrees to abide by the terms and conditions in the agreement.
  2. Each library to designate a project lead (PTK appointed Betsy Kruger)
  3. Participating libraries will allow for the digitization of as many unique titles as possible
  4. Implementation will be sequentially staged; some libraries will contribute more than others
  5. Attempt to adhere to standards and practices already adopted by Michigan and Wisconsin Google projects
  6. Agree to contribute content to shared digital repository
  7. Project may require central investments (approved by library directors and administered by CIC Center for Library Initiatives


October—completed Library Readiness Survey

  1. Supplied UIUC contacts
    1. Betsy Kruger—Google project manager; stacks maintenance; storage facility
    2. Tom Teper—collection development and preservation
    3. Michael Norman—cataloging and metadata
    4. Systems—Beth Sandore
  2. Provided a description of library facilities physical characteristics, eg, loading docs, location on campus, organization of materials, etc.
  3. Information about Oak Street
  4. Statistics—
    1. volumes barcoded (6.5M; 62%)
    2. volumes cataloged in MARC format (8.9M; 85%)
    3. Volumes cataloged with OCLC numbers (7.9M or 75%)
    4. Classification systems in use
    5. Non0standard cataloging practices in use
  5. Recommended Collections
    1. Slavic and Eastern European Studies (568,000)
    2. Classics (83,000)
    3. Mathematics (100,000
    4. Library and Info Science (125,000)
    5. Geosciences (207,100)
    6. Agriculture (200,000)


CIC Communications Plan for the Google Project

  1. Methods of communications
    1. Public web page
    2. Private online group collaboration tools
    3. Email communication through private list servs
    4. Conference calls
    5. Monthly newsletter delivered via email
  2. Roles and responsibilities
    1. Library directors will be primary decision makers for the project
    2. Project lead—Mark Sandler—primary contact for cic directors
    3. Project Manager—Kim Armstrong—manage day to day enterprises related to the project—primary contact with library project managers and working groups
    4. Library Project Manager—manage day to day operations of the project within their institution—w ill work directly with Google once digitization begins
    5. Working groups—Collection Analysis—assess collections and identify collections of distinction; other temporary working groups as needed


Local activities to-date

  1. collections of distinction identified
  2. xml copy of our database provided to google; updates will be sent every 30 days—Google has notified us that our xml records are the best that they’ve received from any of the CIC libraries
  3. statistics gathering
  4. barcoding plans
  5. discussions with systems on mass charging activities
  6. Followup survey from the Collections Analysis Working Group
  • Data analysis using WorldCat Collections Analysis Tool (numbers of unique titles; titles shared by 3 or fewer libraries) for each area
  • Call number ranges, subjects, numbers of books and serials


(Kruger-AC update Dec 17.doc)