Latin American Collection Description

The collection is maintained by the Latin American Library Services Unit.

The Latin American collection supports teaching and research in Latin American and Caribbean Studies and those programs sponsored and coordinated by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Collecting responsibilities require the acquisition of publications appearing anywhere in any language, although they have focused on materials from Latin America, the United States, and Western Europe. The collection, approximately 400,000 volumes in size, ranks among the six largest in the country and is believed to be the largest collection in the region between both coasts and north of Texas. Because an active acquisition program has been maintained since the 1930’s, it holds rare materials not available to collections formed after that time. Materials are primarily located in Bookstacks, although some journals, manuscripts collections, newspapers, and monographs are located in the Newspaper Library, the University Archives, and various departmental libraries.

Version Date: April, 2005