September 6, 2017 Meeting of Social Science

Time and Location of Meeting

September 6, 201710:00 am - 11:30 am 428 Main Library

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


In attendance: Peg Burnette, Cindy Ingold, Nancy O’Brien, Lisa Romero, Yoo-Seong Song, Dan Tracy, Gennye Varvel

Minute taker: Beth Sheehan


  1. Approval of June 7 minutes (see G:/Social Sciences Division/MINUTES/DRAFT Minutes):
    1. Corrections were made and tracked in the G: drive. Minutes were approved as amended.
  1. Announcements and Discussion Items:
    1. New representative to CDC
    2. Peg is leaving the SSD division, so a new representative from this division is needed. CDC meets monthly on a Tuesday afternoon from 3-4:30 to discuss budget challenges and collections. Important discussion items right now include the end of big contracts (i.e., Springer/Nature), some institutions are balking at renewal. There is a working group looking at Web of Science. Tom Teper is the chair, and CDC is comprised of division reps, Lynn Wiley and Wendy Shelburne, plus spots for 2 interns. Lisa Romero will reach out to Kelsey Cheshire to ask if she is interested, since she has filled in for Peg at CDC meetings in the past, and is on Web of Science working group.  Kelsey subsequently agreed to serve.
    3. Nancy O’Brien announced that Yali Feng will be joining SSHEL on October 19th, she will be the Visiting Behavioral Sciences and Data Services librarian, on a 9 month appointment with a three-year visiting contract.
  2. Reports:
    1. Advisory Committee to the AUL for User Services (Sheehan)
      1. The first meeting with Cherie Weible as the new AUL was on August 30th. The committee discussed the reduction and consolidation of library social events due to budget concerns. Due to retirements, vacancies, and sabbaticals (Lisa Hinchliffe’s sabbatical starts September 16th), Jen-chien Yu and Cherie are the sole active Office of User Services members.
      2. Joe Lenkart reported on a new Research Spotlight series that is under development. Each installment will be sponsored by a library unit responsible for inviting a scholar to present on their research process, and matched with the librarian for that subject area, and this unit will be responsible for marketing and moderating during the event. Others involved include David (Ward? Morris?), Ali Krogman. Members of SSD mentioned concerns that this event series may be developing outside of existing structures, and suggested that Beth follow up with Cherie to discuss whether RPC and Office of Research have been notified or involved.
      3. Sarah Christensen reported that CITL is sponsoring a competition similar to the library’s Image of Research competition, and has asked whether the library is interested in sponsoring a track/theme. Sarah will get more information from her CITL contact about deadlines for participation and other participating units.
      4. Approval Plan Taskforce (Cheshire)
    2. Approval Plan Taskforce (Cheshire)
      1. Not present.
    3. Area Studies Division rep to SSD (Rudasill)
      1. Not present.
    4. Collection Development Committee (Burnette)
      1. CDC met on August 22, and discussed concerns with the Springer/Nature merged contract and increased cost. For now there will be two separate bills, one for Springer and one for Nature, this is still under negotiation. The Web of Science Working Group is working on their report. There was an Annual Reviews update email message from Tom Teper. The library is not renewing the bulk contract, but following results from a small group’s investigation of the top 25 individual Annual Reviews titles usage, 24 will be continuing under individual subject funds as discussed with librarian fund managers.
      2. There is ongoing discussion of inflation in FY19, and fund managers are encouraged to think about strategies for dealing with inflation.
    5. Data Discovery and Support Committee (Sheehan, Hogenboom)
      1. Beth is rolling off this committee, and should be removed from future agendas. The committee met this summer to discuss the applications received for the FY18 Data Purchase Program. There are several that will likely be moving forward, and better communication and announcement of purchases once finalized will be made. Beth believes there will be money left over in the budget, so rolling applications can be accepted and researchers should be directed to the Data Purchase Program website for more information.
    6. Diversity Committee (Ingold, Pionke)
      1. The Diversity Committee met in July. They will continue their collaboration with the iSchool’s Diversity Committee. Their next meeting is Tuesday, September 12. Inclusive Illinois Day is September 13, and the committee will have a table in Marshall Gallery to support the event.
    7. Faculty Review Committee (O’Brien)
      1. Annual Reports will be due in January, people are encouraged to plan ahead and stay up-to-date with their instruction and individual research consultation statistics.
    8. Library Assessment Committee (Cheshire)
      1. Not present.
    9. LSSC Representative (Varvel)
      1. LSSC met in July and held elections. Kyle McAfferty is the new chair, and Dani Postula is vice-chair. In August, they discussed the reduction of social events.
    10. Marketing and Strategic Communications (Tracy)
      1. Dan is not on this committee any more and should be removed from future agendas. The committee is reconfigured and most positions are now ex-officio. Heather Murphy is continuing as chair.
    11. Office of Research, Liaison (Tracy)
      1. Continuing to meet despite AUL for Research vacancy. Units within Office of Research are temporarily reporting to Cherie and Tom. There was a recent review of division liaison program, Dan will pass along information about future developments.
    12. Reference Management Team (Sheehan)
      1. David Ward is the new chair.
      2. GA supervisors have organized “GA Donut Breaks” during two weeks without Hub training this semester. They are opportunities for cross-unit discussion and communication on topics suggested by GAs, and led by their peers. At least one GA supervisor will be present at each meeting.
      3. Erin Kerby reported that the Vet Med Library is not always staffed, and service points should call the Vet Med Library before sending patrons over for immediate assistance. The Funk ACES Library is the back-up service point for Vet Med questions.
      4. Focus points for the upcoming year include improving visibility of the Research Consultation Scheduler (LibCal), and pre-assessment before the impending move of Main Info Desk to the first floor.
      5. The Reference Retreat will now happen once every 2 years.
    13. Research & Publications Committee (Tracy)
      1. Dan is no longer an ex-officio on this committee. Lynne Rudasill is the new chair. No interim AUL has yet been appointed to oversee this committee.
    14. Research Data Service Committee (Burnette, Hogenboom)
      1. The RDS committee did not meet this summer. They have a meeting on September 6th.
    15. SSD rep to Life Science Division (Burnette)
      1. The Life Science Division met once this summer, but Peg was unable to attend.
    16. SSD rep to Central Public Services Division (Ingold)
      1. The CPS Division met on August 16th. Eric Kurt gave an overview of the Media Commons, and showed the Video Production and Audio Studios 90% of students using the new Audio Studio in the basement of UGL are recording their own music. Megan Ozeran, the new resident in Data Visualization, was introduced.
    17. SSD rep to Life Science Division (Burnette)
      1. The Life Science Division met once this summer, but Peg was unable to attend.
    18. Staff Development & Training Committee (Ingold, Pionke)
      1. This committee met on September 5th. There is a book club this fall, reading the title Crucial Conversations. Nine people have already signed up.
      2. JJ is working on discussions for future disability training.
      3. The committee discussed the consolidation of social events.
      4. They talked about working on the recommendations from ClimateQual, and will be discussing ideas with the library Executive Committee.
      5. This committee will not be hosting/sponsoring as many webinars due to low attendance. If there is an interest in a webinar, the interested parties will sponsor, and there must be at least three people attending.
      6. The Passport program will happen again this year, starting in late September or early October.
    19. User Ed Committee (Avery, Cheshire)
      1. Not present.
    20. Web Redesign Content Group (Tracy)
      1. This summer the IT group led unit site conversions. The Core Content group rolled out three new sites this summer. Previously they’d worked on the Ask Us site, and the Borrowing site (privileges and processes). Now there are three more live sites: Collections sub-site (highlights, Collection development responsibilities and statements); Using the Library- Spaces (locations and hours, library maps, carrels, research and study spaces, libraries by college/major); General Information sub-site under About menu (library organization, basic history info, strategic initiatives, research, employment, diversity and multicultural, version of org chart). Units without public-facing content (Tech services, CAS) have splash pages.
      2. Ongoing work includes clean-up of pages, and roll-out of pages with new content (i.e., Endowed positions), external grants, major library initiatives (partnerships, preservation self-assessment grant, Google/HathiTrust partnerships, Internet Archive scanning).
      3. They are transitioning responsibilities for long-term maintenance of Core Content pages. Piper Martin and RIS will oversee maintenance of the Ask Us page. The others will have multiple people responsible for long-term editing, depending on content (eventually the UX position will coordinate this).
      4. There will be a centralized Core Content site for events (i.e., Outreach events). IT will develop guidance and process for creating individual pages for events to ensure a consistent presence, including a webform to fill out to request an announcement page for an event. This is a next-phase project they are working on this Fall.
      5. IT is still working on developing the staff intranet, and some units have had content transferred, but it isn’t live yet.
    21. Discussion of consolidation of social events
      1. There have been various reactions reported by SSD members regarding the reduction/consolidation of social events. Lisa Romero noted that there was an AC discussion, and although initial LSSC reaction was concern that it reflects a lack of appreciation, later discussions and reactions when learning of the high cost of events (sometimes upwards of $10,000) and dwindling attendance were mostly in favor of the reduction. Gennye reported that LSSC is currently exploring other less-expensive social event options. Other library commitees have also been brainstorming options. The Creative Commons was mentioned as an opportunity to network and socialize.
  3. Round Robin:
    1. Beth- All four SSHEL GAs are continuing from last year’s appointments. The S-Collection GA is graduating in December, so SSHEL will be advertising and hiring for the position this fall.
    2. Dan- Dan’s new Job title is Information Sciences and Digital Humanities Librarian. Some of his responsibilities have changed. The iSchool is busy with instruction. He has approved a revision of the Information Sciences Easy Search content, and will be revising and creating new web content to support the Information Management students. The LISA database is being removed from Easy Search, and will likely not be renewed, since LISS has better indexing and is less expensive.
    3. Cindy- Last November, SSHEL and the Native American House sponsored a film series. They are doing it again this year, with one screening per month held in Room 66. The first one is Monday, September 11.
    4. Yoo-Seong- Yoo-Seong has been busy with instruction. He is going to Korea next week. The LER library has a new subject webpage based on the SSHEL template, and is no longer a stand-alone virtual library page.
    5. Peg- Peg recently worked on a project for the interdisciplinary health-sciences institute. She has been meeting with the new curriculum director for the College of Medicine, discussing ways to help faculty develop the curriculum. She has also been working on the merger of the Health Information Portal and BioInformation Portal sites.
    6. Nancy- Nancy has been busy with instruction, and paper-editing for Promotion and Tenure Cases this fall.
    7. Lisa- Lisa has seen an increase in the number of sections for classes, resulting in an increase in instruction. Communications has a new GA who graduated from the College of Media one year ago, and is now pursuing library science. Bill Mischo has allocated more money for the Communication Library’s student wage budget. The Communication Library is now open until Midnight, Sunday-Thursday. Lisa has been doing collection development for Latino Studies for several years, and has recently been asked by UGL to take over services activities for this subject, with Lori Mestre’s retirement.

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