September 14, 2015 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

September 14, 201510:00 am - 11:00 am Library 428

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Rebecca Bryant (17), Jemma Ku (ex officio), Jessica Moyer (ex officio), Scott Schwartz (17), Crystal Sheu (ex officio), Sandra Wolf (16), Harriet Green (16), Kirsten Feist (16), Lisa Hinchliffe (ex officio) – Chair, Susan Avery (ex officio)

Members Absent: Jameatris Rimkus (15), Janelle Sander (16), Michelle Dewy (16)

 Additional Attendees: Anna Lapp (Information Literacy GA)


1. Welcome and Introduction

Lisa welcomed everyone back for the new academic year and introduced Anna, the new Information Literacy Graduate Assistant. Committee members introduced themselves.

2. Agenda Review

Lisa explained that there was no August meeting and asked if anything needed to be added to agenda. No additions were made.

3. Acclamations and Accolades

Susan and Kirsten shared they’ve had a successful start to the instruction year in the Undergraduate Library with many students attending instruction sessions.

Harriet shared that her digital humanities workshop in the Scholarly Commons was very successful.

Susan reported that in July, she met with the rhetoric director who saw many parallels with their work and the new ACRL information literacy framework.

4. Review 2014-2015/Planning for 2015-2016

Committee members were asked to think back to the work of the previous year and offer ideas for projects in the coming year.

5. Ithaka Graduate Student Survey

Lisa reported the plan to administer the Ithaka Graduate Student Survey at the beginning of October/end of November. In order to ensure participant comprehension, international and STEM students were interviewed. These students were very enthusiastic about the library wanting feedback.

Lisa also noted there is a new Dean of the Graduate College, Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko. Lisa and Dean Wilkin will meet Dean Chodzko-Zajko at the end of the month and discuss possible collaborations.

6. LibGuides 2.0 Migration

Crystal reported on the LibGuides transition and the work ongoing with the list of A-Z databases. When the initial rough draft of database categorization is done, there will be a call for feedback. Crystal asked how committee members perceive the new system and committee members responded positively.

Crystal and Lisa also reported that after seven years, there is a now a friendly URL for LibGuides (

Susan asked how long redirects for older pages will be in place, and Lisa answered that it would be at least a year.

Lastly, Lisa informed the committee that some of the historic ORR functionality will be brought to LibGuides through the databases list. This includes a Best Bets function that lets students view the best, or recommended, database for a specific subject. With the call for feedback, subject librarians will be asked to review which databases should be coded as Best Bets.

7. LibAnswers Implementation

Lisa announced that the University Library has acquired the FAQ portion of the LibAnswers system from Springshare. The next step will be for Research and Information Services to put Rolodex content into the FAQs.

There will be a working group between the Reference Management Team and the User Education Committee to address LibAnswers policy issues. Lisa asked committee members to contact her if they are interested in serving on this group.

8. Library Gateway and WordPress

Jemma reported there will be a library-wide email message to provide an update on the progress of the pages. Committee members shared interest in viewing the progress and commenting on the templates. The committee agreed that the best time to review progress is after the creation of a mock-up page or wire-frame, but before content goes into it.

9. LEARN/UGL Webpages/LibGuides Content Review

Susan reported that unused pages will become unpublished and the group has determined there are too many LEARN pages. Instead, the group is moving towards individual pages for topics, for example: one general page on how to use the catalog. Units can create more specific entries for their information. The group is working with the User Experience Librarian, Suzanne Chapman.

10. Preparation for New AUL for User Services

Lisa asked the committee to consider two questions:

  1. Please look forward to what we’d want on future meetings when JoAnn Jacoby joins.
  2. Are there any questions or thoughts Lisa should ask when she meets JoAnn?

Committee members asked several questions, among them include:

  • How does JoAnn intend to build a community of user services?
  • Is having four committees for user services efficient, or should there be fewer committees and more working groups? Should there be an expectation that each division has a representative?
  • How will JoAnn pursue the relationship with CITL? Where does she want the relationship to be managed from?

11. Open Discussion/Announcements

Committee members discussed patron difficulty with how to ILL items via WorldCat Discovery. Lisa will convey the concerns to the Discovery and Delivery Study Team.

Respectfully submitted,

Anna Lapp