October 17, 2022 Meeting of Administrative Council

Time and Location of Meeting

October 17, 20221:30 pm - 2:00 pm Zoom

Agenda Details


Agenda items include:

  1. Assigning a new person from AC to sit on the Budget Group
  2. Uniform building access to all full-time employees

Minutes Details


Meeting Minutes

  1. Assigning a new person from AC to sit on the Budget Group

Dean Wilkin explained the work of the Budget Group and asked for volunteers that would be interested in representing AC as a member. Joe Lenkhart and Kirstin Johnson both volunteered and provided brief statements about why they would like to serve. Dean Wilkin thanked them and then asked everyone to vote on which they would like to serve in this roll by emailing their choice to the Dean and Susan Breakenridge.


  1. Uniform building access to all full-time employees

Joe Lenkhart brought to the attention of AC variable permissions given to employees regarding access to the Main Library. Joe indicated with the upcoming colder weather we should consider allowing all employees to enter the building in advance of the start of their shift. Susan Breakenridge and Kim Hutcherson both pointed out that employees who “clock in” to work would need to be mindful of the start times for their shifts. Mary Laskowski and Tom Teper pointed out existing policy related to building access. Dean Wilkin asked Joe to review existing policy and bring back to AC a proposal to consider that either modifies existing policy or presents something new.