May 9, 2016 Meeting of User Education Committee

Time and Location of Meeting

May 9, 201610:00 am - 11:00 am Library 428

Agenda Details


Agenda not yet available.

Minutes Details


Members Present: Chris Prom (IT/web liaison), Crystal Sheu (ex officio), Jameatris Rimkus (17), Janelle Sander (16), Scott Schwartz (17), Harriet Green (16), Kirsten Feist (16), Lisa Hinchliffe (ex officio) – Chair

Members Absent: Susan Avery (ex officio), Michelle Dewey (16), Jessica Moyer (ex officio)

Additional Attendees: Anna Lapp (Information Literacy GA)


1.      Welcome and Introductions

Lisa welcomed the committee to the May meeting.

2.      Agenda Review

No additions were made to the agenda.

3.      Acclamations and Accolades

Harriet was congratulated for achieving tenure. The committee congratulated Jametrius and Crystal on their pregnancies and bid farewell to Crystal on her upcoming move to Virginia.

4.      Demo: LibWizard

Crystal and Anna demonstrated a tutorial through LibWizard. Crystal overviewed LibWizard and its contents: forms, surveys, quizzes, tutorials & assessments and provided a handout with information pertaining to LibWizard’s content and functionality. Anna gave a demonstration of a LibWizard tutorial, which included questions within the tutorial with embedded websites and LibGuides.

Scott questioned if the product is viable since many students skip tutorials when prompted to take them. Lisa responded it’s a user-friendly product with the purpose of combining quizzes, content, and forms for library usage rather than as a tool requirement tutorial.

Kristen asked if tutorials can be embedded into Compass where students can receive credit for assignments. Crystal answered that it could be embedded, but since the reporting function is through LibWizard, it cannot be reported through Compass. Kristen additionally questioned if any other online learning tools are be looked into. Because the tool is being looked at library-wide, Lisa answered that it is the only affordable option, but that tools may be different for individual units.

Crystal reminded the committee that LibGuides CMS has the Forms and Surveys sections of LibWizard will be included in what’s called “LibWizard Lite”, but in order to use the Tutorials and Quiz functions, it would be a cost additional.

5.      Update: Web Content (Gateway and WordPress)

  • Library Gateway and WordPress

Chris reported that the Library Gateway and WordPress Project has made progress with several new updates. There is a new gateway header that has been successfully added. Suzanne is processing the analytics on it. The second phase of development is migrating other content to WordPress. A left navigation side plate is developed that will connect to various services (e.g. campus resources from off-campus, collections splash page, etc.) The final tweaks to the design should be finished by the end of the week.

In addition to the gateway changes, Chris mentioned the upcoming summer project of consolidating staff directories to be put into a database. There will be a project roadmap publicized in the summer time lining the process of these ongoing projects. Lisa asked Chris about the timelines of the unit pages, and Chris answered there is no set date, but projected it will take place late summer or early Fall.

Into the Fall, the webpage system will remain in OpenCMS. The committee discussed the need to train incoming GA’s in OpenCMS and planned to inform Beth Woodard. Currently, Suzanne is developing a content authoring guide, which will be followed by one-on-one unit training followed by larger training groups.

  • LEARN/UGL Webpages/LibGuides Content Review

For the LEARN review, Crystal commented that Nicole and her GAs are creating new content and summarizing old content. Dan Tracy is creating a resource page on the graduate and events researcher sections. Kirstin is deleting duplicates and merging content to condense the webpages. She mentioned Suzanne’s plan to complete this project by the end of the summer.

6.      Update: LibGuides and LibAnswers

The LibGuides project is a continual project that includes switching database links to database assets in unit and individual accounts. Crystal and Anna worked with IAS to move ownership of the IAS guides from individual subject specialists to the unit account, while maintaining the subject specialists as guide editors. In addition, there is a directory of IAS subject specialists so users can contact the individual guide creators. This process was beneficial for IAS to evaluate their LibGuide statistics. For the LibAnswers project to move forward,  the Info Lit team is waiting on RIS to get back to them on the general FAQs.

7.      Update: Learning Analytics Project

The learning analytics project aims to find information on an individual or granular level. Lisa stated the aim is to assess the impact library resources have on individual student’s learning success. In other words, does it matter if a student uses the library? A meta-analysis of other library instruction’s literature has been conducted to see which data points have been used in similar projects (e.g. GPA, retention rates, etc.)

  • CIC Review Project by Martha Kyrillidou

Martha Kyrillidou is conducting interviews with campus leaders about how the library affects student learning. She is also interviewing librarians of other CIC institutions to gauge how they examine this topic. Separate but similarly, Lisa is running a CIC research project with the Minnesota and Michigan libraries through an IMLS grant.

  •  Local Research Project

The learning analytics project is edging towards a local research project.

8.      Open Discussion/Announcements

No additional announcements were made.


Respectfully submitted,

Anna Lapp